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Fri, Jun 22 2012 4:10 PM (12 replies)
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  • Fatherbrown
    282 Posts
    Mon, Sep 26 2011 6:27 PM

    I need more in game play mode options.  Excited to have stroke up my 1st stroke play hole in one, but playing with another player.  NO OPTION to save.  Need that.  Option to travel the score card and view strokes, chip in or putt any past hole after game is over and save if I so desire.  Need that option. Can't save an already played hole, let's change that.  Need more saving options.  Would add to this already addictive fun playing virtual game for me.  Thank you sincerely.  GOOD GAMING!

  • Fatherbrown
    282 Posts
    Wed, Feb 29 2012 10:32 AM

    Hello WGTIcon, what do you say to this?

    Would really like more options.

  • 3puttsSuk
    361 Posts
    Wed, Feb 29 2012 5:20 PM
  • Fatherbrown
    282 Posts
    Wed, Feb 29 2012 8:26 PM

    Thank you 3puttsSuk.  I asked WGTicon that six months ago and never received an answer until you read this post, but that's cool.  I appreciate you taking the time to inform me of that link. Now I know WGT is working on it.

  • Fatherbrown
    282 Posts
    Tue, Jun 19 2012 5:30 AM

    Hello again WGTicon.   I have a situation for you.   September 26, 2011, Oakmont hole 6 with new pin location to the front of the green was my FIRST ace in the hole in a stroke play ranked round game.  Since then I've hit one other hole in one (Kiawah hole 8) recorded in my stats and saved replay, but back then, there was no option to save a replay before continuing on to the next loading hole like it is now.  Thank you for adding this option.  Now, my situation!  In my stats as of now, shows I have only ace 1 hole in one when in fact I've ace 2 hole in one shots.  But that's not what the stats show.  My original post requesting this option you've created because I saw the need for it by hitting the hole in one, but not being able to save a replay of it before loading to the next hole or going back through the round for certain shots to record replays.  Now instead of two hole in one shots in my stats, reads only one.  Why is that?

  • Fatherbrown
    282 Posts
    Wed, Jun 20 2012 12:43 PM

    Hey WGTicon staff, please reply to my post on June 19,2012, would really like to know the answer & can my ace be replaced in my stats.

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Wed, Jun 20 2012 1:12 PM

    I took a look through your activity and the HIO last year is recorded in the activity.

    But on 5/28 it only shows that you "saved a replay" and has no mention of HIO or Eagle (as it did last Sept.

    Did you finish the round at KI?

    I do believe that the HIO you have recorded came from last year.

  • Fatherbrown
    282 Posts
    Wed, Jun 20 2012 11:02 PM

    Thank you for reading & assisting me with this issue.  Kiawah hole 8 ace indeed is a saved replay of this year last month finished round I did.  Oatmont hole 6 new pin location happen last year, it was my 1st ace in the hole, I also finished that round.  How can I save a replay of a different hole a year apart?  (YANCY!)  I don't remember having the option to save a replay while in stroke ranked game while playing as we are able to do now or I didn't know or notice it back then next to the continue button before loading the next hole.  That brought up the previous post of mine back when it happen titled "OPTIONS", asking WGT to make this option possible as it is now.   But still in yet, I've aced twice & the stats show differently. I don't know how I could have saved a replay from a year ago, (on Kiawah while the 1st ace happen at Oakmont) when my stats show my only ace was last month, but the very 1st ace was at Oakmont hole 6.   Back at tour pro, I eagle hole 7 (Kiawah) from 125 yards out.  I saved that replay but quit the round because my score was like plus 8.  I noticed that the saved replay was in tact but the stat was not, so I later erased the replay.  I am certain that this time that same thing did not happen again, cause I would have finished being that it's an ace shot & I'm more aware of awards & stats records.   I've read your reply 3 or 4 times, I find that very odd.  Odd in that activity shows last Sept. ace as a saved replay at  kiawah's HIO, but Oakmont's HIO is void. Believe me MBaggese I wouldn't make this up for the sake of posting a post.  I just want to know if or why I didn't get stat recognition for two aces?  Mind this!  When I finished the round at Oakmont, stat read as one HIO.  When HIO for Kiawah hole 8 round was finished, stat read ONE hole in one.  WHY?  I know I may have typed alot but, I wanted to give all the information I know for assistance. Thank you & the WGT community.

  • Fatherbrown
    282 Posts
    Fri, Jun 22 2012 1:16 AM

    WGTicon I waited six months for the 1st question to be answered by a WGT player in relations to this matter.  Come on, give me an answer I want my stat corrected for two hole in one shots instead of one.

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Fri, Jun 22 2012 1:53 AM

    shows last Sept. ace as a saved replay at  kiawah's HIO, but Oakmont's HIO is void. Believe me MBaggese I wouldn't make this up for the sake of posting a post.  I just want to know if or why I didn't get stat recognition for two aces?  Mind this!  When I finished the round at Oakmont, stat read as one HIO.

    I don't doubt your sincerity of the post at all.

    I just wonder if you may have played it as practice and not ranked.

    Hope it works out for ya!

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