After the update (6-26) it seems my meter is shaky & I only hit the
ding rarely while driving. The shots are always hard L or R, just
cant hit it. Nothing has changed on my end clubs balls eyes all the same.
Anyone else having problems ?
System3: After the update (6-26) it seems my meter is shaky & I only hit the ding rarely while driving. The shots are always hard L or R, just cant hit it. Nothing has changed on my end clubs balls eyes all the same. Anyone else having problems ? Tom
Are you talking Flash, Early Access or Mobile?
Yes, mobile platform. Same meter issue plus meter stutter when putting. A distance issue with some clubs. My 56 degree wedge, rated @ 100 yds, now goes 111 yds at full power. I hit 9 iron this afternoon for 135 yds. It went 148. The issues are sporadic.
After the update: I lost a long daily bonus streak and received no prizes for my accomplishment of the past week. WTH?
TerryN1013: After the update: I lost a long daily bonus streak and received no prizes for my accomplishment of the past week. WTH? Terryn1013
Problem miraculously went away when I went to do my daily game yesterday.
Meter & speed back to normal & hitting the fairways at 90% again.
The new version has become absolutely un playable for me. Nothing changed by me. All since last update.