Wutpa: I did that a few months ago because I wanted a playing experience on PCEA as similar as possible to flash and I most certainly did not want to gain 10 yards on the fairway based on a hat...or whatever. So I'm happy that none of my apparel changes any element of the game now.
perfectly valid way to play.
But other than clashes the apparel wouldn't affect any of the way the games in flash play in PCEA or mobile.
Now if you're playing H2H coin games then obviously it does. But those aren't available on Flash. So the playing experience isn't the same to begin with.
also if you could spend a million silver coins and get a driver that was listed as 12 yards further than the level 102 driver would you get it?
Because the math on how that driver would do it is exactly the same as the math that the hat uses.
there is no difference other than what fits your sense of acceptability. It's all pixels and programming.
Yes, I get all that, thanks.
I have been playing exclusively on PCEA since January and I like the greater choice of avatar outfits. But I already had my clubs mapped in my head after years on flash, and so when I switched to PCEA I wanted all that to be consistent so that I could better get to grips with the new format, and not have it change because my avatar was wearing something different.
I played in one Showdown a few months back and didn't enjoy the format much and therefore I have no plans to revisit coin rooms again, so that's not a worry. But when I first started on PCEA I didn't know that only certain types of play included apparel boosts, because I had never played on mobile and I was completely unfamiliar with all that.
As for spending a bunch of coins to upgrade....sure, why not? Upgrading equipment is what most of us do when we can anyway, but I would clearly understand that if I changed any of my clubs then I could expect different distances, spin, elevation etc. My problem with the apparel abilities was that I didn't want to find I was hitting different shots just because I got bored with my avatar's look and switched shirts without thinking about the consequences.
To each their own of course. I'm happy with a shirt just being a shirt without having to make mental adjustments for how it will affect my shots.