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2020 Andyson Tournament Scores/Info Here

Mon, May 10 2021 4:01 PM (301 replies)
  • Beryman
    9,100 Posts
    Sun, Oct 11 2020 8:28 AM


    St Andrews Links: The Old Course Full 18 Tour Champion 57
  • Phippo20040
    104 Posts
    Sun, Oct 11 2020 10:55 PM

  • palopalante
    254 Posts
    Mon, Oct 12 2020 8:18 AM
    10.12.20 St Andrews Links: The Old Course Full 18 Champion 56



  • BigKnight
    2,777 Posts
    Fri, Oct 16 2020 8:02 AM
    10.16.20 St Andrews Links: The Old Course Full 18 Tour Champion 56
  • claremoreblue
    2,322 Posts
    Fri, Oct 16 2020 6:53 PM

    Mymanpayne and I just played our match this evening. Let me tell you something, that gentleman has game lol! I was very lucky to Eagle 10 from the far side of the green from the rough to go one up.


    He faught brillaintly all the way to 17 and dormie with excellant approach shots and a great putter. I played it safe and left a 19 footer for a second shot. Somehow I managed to drop that bomb on him to win the match and move on! I played the eight holes at eight under which didn't leave him any room to come back, but a very well played match by him! 


    It was a pleasure to have met and played with you sir, and thank you to everyone involved again for making this all happen in honor of Dennis amen! 


    16 Oct
    claremoreblue defeated mymanpayne in a 9 hole match play game on MERION GOLF CLUB.
  • claremoreblue
    2,322 Posts
    Fri, Oct 16 2020 8:04 PM

    It also appears I made a bad mistake for posting that 58 in stroke play lol. I half hazardly hurried that round out and my figuring it would be ok was maybe incorrect lol! GL everyone, Dennis is watching and playing games with our shots, so when ya have some do some really odd things, just know it's the man himself! I sure miss that guy! 

  • carlosdev
    2,570 Posts
    Fri, Oct 16 2020 9:06 PM


    Yesterday (6 PM UK) Paco n I played our Semi final. I started with a blasting Eagle on Hole 10 n then thereafter i went 1 up n it didn't last long when Paco made a gigantic bird which put back to AS. From that point onwards it was a battle to get 1 up as we were approaching hole 18 to put the pressure on each other.

    Somehow i managed to put Paco grounded n it was all about hole 18 n getting a bird or going extras. Unfortunately for Paco, he hit a way early Wood shot which made it more difficult n i took advantage of the situation n made the bird n won 1 up. Between, hole 18 bird is a very rare scenario for me.

    Thanks very much Paco for the game n quick set up :) You did some amazing birds and i was so much impressed :)

    Thanks everyone who joined the stream. It was a fun night for me. :) 

    - Carl 

  • palopalante
    254 Posts
    Sat, Oct 17 2020 5:23 AM

    We had the opportunity to provide a very exciting match to our fans, I wish you good luck Varun in the grand final.


    Thank you all for your support of this great event.



  • mymanpayne
    6,139 Posts
    Sat, Oct 17 2020 6:35 AM

    Hard to describe this one any better than already stated. Tony played about as well as anyone could on Merion. His hole-out on #10 was a bit of a shocker, but after seeing the rest of his game, it now seems like no surprise. He slid a couple putts in the side doors, but was rarely off by much on his approaches. I played well too, just missed on a couple short putts that I made the critical error of being pin high right or left. Leaving tough big breakers. Tony played better overall and certainly deserved the win. I wish him well in the final, he's a classy guy!!


    Thanks for a very fun event, I'm sure Andy was smiling the whole time!


  • Wutpa
    4,803 Posts
    Sat, Oct 17 2020 11:23 AM

    Well, that's finally it from me. I couldn't pull any aspect of my game together and even ended up with a couple of bogeys, although by that point I was just going with the (back)flow.

    But I got far further than I expected in this excellent competition and I'm delighted to have taken part. Cheers to Bill for his hard work and making sure this happened again this year, cheers to all the other competitors and of course cheers to Dennis who inspired it all, and so much more.

    Over and out.
