garyk49: Problems I still see are home page in a browser is now a https page. On the forums, you no longer see who the last poster was to any topics. If not mistaken, there are more pages now that are https.
Yes, same thing for me. There is now only one page left where I can see my friends list showing who is online, and that's my profile page.
For the life of me I can't see why WGT would want to make it so difficult for us to see who else is online, or why they would suddenly think all these pages that have been open for years now need to be set as secure.
I asked CS a few months back why that was and I received the kind of response you get when someone clearly hasn't read the question properly. I know Champ tries to post explanatory things here when he can so I'd welcome any insight, but these changes (deliberate or otherwise) just make it harder and harder to even play, and as an owner running a club it's becoming like swimming upstream through molasses.
I still enjoy actually playing, but I grow ever more disenchanted with every other aspect of what WGT/TG does I'm sad to say. Playing is good, nearly everything else is actively unenjoyable now, for me.