Bushbeater4: BUT this is some people paying real dollars for a real roof and they should be able to expect a real return on heir investment. When I pay out real $ I do expect to have satisfaction.
Fair enough.
But also at some point, if a company continues to provide a product (with pretty much the same level of service or functionality), people know what they're paying for. If the person continues to pay for the product, fully knowing its limitations or problems, I have a bit less sympathy for the customer's complaints. They knew what they were purchasing.
Additionally, here's the important question: did they receive the product they purchased? I have to disagree with framing it as an investment.
Regardless, on some level these conversations remind me of when my wife went out to dinner with some people. One of the people ordered something, ate some of it, and then said, "I really dislike this. This isn't good at all. Last time I was here, it wasn't good either and I didn't like it."
I was like: