reggie7900: Sounds like a great tournament never played in it before so I'll need to know the ins and outs about it if that's okay sign me and my pal Reggie7900 and NrEighteen much appreciated. Kevin.
Sounds like a great tournament never played in it before so I'll need to know the ins and outs about it if that's okay sign me and my pal Reggie7900 and NrEighteen much appreciated.
Unfortunately it won't work out due to the mobile glitch.
I´ll team up with DuduM1 instead, Division B.
Div A Please ty.
CoachAlaska and Budliteman Div A please
Cheers Everyone, I have updated the Sign-up link on Page #1.
MasterHacker74 and Sildate for Div A please. Thanks!
FarFoo & Tony40moDiv A thanks T
Marcoholo59 & Tgkomv
Division B
jacktrade51 and epspetx would like to play in Group A (Americas).
Thanks, Topper, for putting this together again.
Tom (jacktrade51).
signing up Cousinzeke1 and JimCruz A Division
(Already on the sheet Topper)
AmirInTexas and Marvelous523 is our team.
Thank you