PAULFINN52: i say this every year it is up to the captains to tell the players the rules and if there is a problem then restart and play from the last hole played.
I do, but everyone doesn't always listen. We had an incident in Round 1 where 2 players played the wrong course. It was settled amicably but I was annoyed enough I re-stated the rules in our forum in ALL CAPS.
Almost all problems will be solved if the inviting player double checks his criteria before sending the invite, and the 2nd player reviews the inviting criteria before accepting. We all have plenty of time to do that especially when the match is scheduled.
When one sees a problem, accept, and in that chat bar type in Apparel On, 60 second clock, whatever the problem, and need to restart. (In Flash, we could have specified that in declining, but not worth crying over that anymore.)
NOTE to Finny, Paul: We have at least 4 matches completed and not recorded in the tables. Not quite clear whether it is lack of reporting or just a lag in recording, but I will do a batch report by Tuesday if necessary.