craigswan: Dutch trains now run 100% on wind power.
Whoa, whoa whoa, what kind of fake news is this?
Haven't you heard? Windmills don't work in the cold..............
Ask any deregulator in Texas. They have the real scoop.
Frozen, broken water mains, not sufficiently buried, are just another form of sparkling water......
Change my mind
Millions of frozen gallons of water
This is all water from inside doing all this damage.
Second floor shower pipes are notorious for breaking. Moron plumbers think running the pipes on outside walls is a great idea, in warm climates. Much easier than interior walls.
So, you lose power because of a raging storm. You leave for better surroundings.
However, you FORGOT to turn off the WATER MAIN coming into your house. The shower pipe bursts, and what you are actually witnessing, is a SMALL spray of water coating, & re-coating the ice, until it expands to where ever the heck it wants to.
Never forget, water is the most powerful force on this planet. Bar none.
Just ask a Texan.
On a lighter note...............
Why do today, what a weasel can do all week?