If you're still using starter stuff, an upgraded wedge is great addition to the bag to help your scoring. First 10 people who post a request, I will gift them this wedge.
After you get the wedge, within 7 days, post a replay to this thread of your best shot using the wedge. I'll gift a sleeve of callaways ( or your ball of choice) to 1 winner who posts the coolest replay using your freebie wedge.
If you already have upgraded wedges, please dont request this one.
2 begsy
3 birdnamnam
4 craigswan
5 alideej
6 VB26
8 Kingsbridge
9 jdawg39
10 pullupyourpants
All 10 wedges have been sent, if your name is on the list and you havent recieved it, pleased pm me. Be sure to post your best shot with the club over next 6 days for free sleeve of balls.
I skipped over a few requests by accident so sent 3 more wedges ( 13 total)
11 ocaisin
12 KJS1966
13 MrFescue