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Update 4/19 (v1.70.2)

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Sat, Apr 24 2021 2:38 AM (13 replies)
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  • WGTChampion
    1,917 Posts
    Mon, Apr 19 2021 2:32 PM

    Version 1.70.2 was released earlier today on all platforms other than Amazon which should release tomorrow morning following their review process. 

    This version fixes the event timers for the clash. I've reviewed them myself in our dev environments to see them working. You'll see them at the bottom of the panel beside the PLAY NOW button during the next clash beginning this Thursday, April 22. 


  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Mon, Apr 19 2021 2:44 PM

    Thank You .


  • bossbird
    2,241 Posts
    Mon, Apr 19 2021 3:12 PM

    Thanks champ

  • okiechuck
    7,635 Posts
    Mon, Apr 19 2021 4:27 PM

    Thanks Champ...Was that the only fix?


  • AlaskanDame
    19,716 Posts
    Mon, Apr 19 2021 7:21 PM

    Oh, I do hope that it’s true this time!  And that you mean the ROUND timers, not the “event“ timer.

  • twinponds169
    3,050 Posts
    Mon, Apr 19 2021 9:48 PM

    I posted the following two copy/paste in my club forum a bit earlier this evening.

    Here for your perusal:

    Pass game with my cdp so let's go 18 Wolf in the club tournament that's on the board. Teed off at 8:15 e.s.t. and it's now 9:53 e.s.t. and I'm on the 12th hole. And I've been playing as fast as possible, lol.

    Game updated when I opened it up tonight. No biggie, I saw a post from Champ in the main forum saying they fixed the timer issue for this weeks upcoming clash. So when I opened the game up to play my daily it updated for a minute or two. All set.

    Tee shot on Wolf par 5 first hole, cranked the meter back 100% driver and a few minutes later the snails pace it came down at started approaching the ding. Clicked it and off went my drive and about 2 to 3 minutes later it landed. Worst of all, the dots are impossible to read. Everything is in Super Slo Motion. Meter, ball flight, green dots, everything. Impossible to play.

    You know when you hit a putt and it's slowly creeping to a stop and you know it's just not quite going to make it to the hole? That's how a 60 foot putt looks from the second you click it. Takes 2 solid minutes to get to the hole.

    Hour and 45 minutes and I'm on the 12th hole, horrible score, lol, BUT, it's my pass game dammit!  lol

    And then followed with:

    Game updated when I opened it tonight and this is what I have, everything in super slo-motion. Took 2 1/2 hours to play 18 Wolf by myself, usually a 35-40 minute game. All that extra time was waiting for the meter to get to the ding line or waiting for the ball to go up, down, or stop rolling. I could bring the meter back 100% to hit a drive, let it go, then run to the bathroom for a pee break and get back in time to hit the ding, lmao.

    And it was still hard as heck to actually hit the damn ding, lol. I could SURE get used to that meter, it was like a focus boost in a coma. The biggest problem was once on the green, the dots were all in super slo-mo as well, making putting damn near impossible. Was in areas that I knew the dots were moving at warp speed but they barely showed any break or movement on my screen.

    Got done with the marathon at Wolf and closed out the game, rebooted my PC, reopened the game, got on Skype and played a nine holer with a bud. Took an hour and 20 minutes, same problems for me and him just drooling over my meter speed as I shared screens to show him what was going on. I'd hit a shot that wasn't even close to being on descent yet and he would tell me what my yardage was to the hole, etc. before my ball was even close to landing on my end. A 50 or 60 foot putt was taking 60 to 90 seconds to get to the hole after hitting it, moving right from the get go as if I hit it with the 15 foot meter by mistake instead of the 100 foot meter.

    Guess I just got a nasty bad update when I came on tonight. Close out / re-boot didn't help at all. Guess the next step is delete the whole thing and do a fresh game install.

    Also, no issues anywhere else on the internet or PC, other games I play are working fine as always.

  • AlaskanDame
    19,716 Posts
    Mon, Apr 19 2021 10:28 PM

    Version 1.70.2
     mine says  (iPad)

    EDIT:  So I rebooted iPad.  No change.

    So I signed out of wgt and signed in again.   No change.

    So then I went and found WGT in the App Store.  There was a button that said “update.”  I tapped on that, and now I have version

    I tried a game.  It’s playing at the same speed it always has. . . not slowed down.

  • Lizington
    276 Posts
    Wed, Apr 21 2021 6:08 AM

    Will there be a clash the following week too to bring it back inline?






  • mrm6400
    1,811 Posts
    Wed, Apr 21 2021 7:18 AM


    Thanks for the update.  Will be nice to be able to see how much time is left in each clash now before we decide to play or not based on scores and amount of time that is left.  As it was we just had to play and hope their was enough time left for us to complete the round in time.  

    Much Appreciated,


  • carlosdev
    2,568 Posts
    Wed, Apr 21 2021 8:11 AM

    Please fix the "Resolving shot" Issue.

    It is not fun at all!!!!! 

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