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Where the heck did my bag go

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Sat, Jun 5 2021 8:10 AM (13 replies)
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  • HackWilson1930
    1,437 Posts
    Mon, May 31 2021 6:24 AM

    Dave, you are correct that when you have a club in your bag you can't just put a new one in. That is why you go to the top right of the start page and click on your id picture.

    Now you will see toggles at the bottom of the new page (Equipment & Stats page) with one for editing equipment. Once you click on this toggle you will get a page with equipment choices with your drivers highlighted. The top line will be the one in your "bag" and and to the right a picture of that driver with a toggle saying "Equipped". The others that you own will be in the line below. If you have purchased a new driver it will  show here.  (WGT also makes it possible to make a purchase from this page so be wary.)

    To change, click on club you want to put in your "bag". It will now be shown to the right with a toggle saying "Equip". Hit that toggle and you have just changed clubs. Leave the page by going to the top left and hitting the  left arrow point.

    Side bar: If you want to change your id pic go to the stats & equipment page and click on your id pic which is at the top left just over the column of equipment.

  • DAputts
    1,919 Posts
    Sat, Jun 5 2021 6:36 AM

    Thanks to all for the replies. the crux of the problem is I need the credits from selling back my old club before I can afford to buy the new. So as I see it I have to replace the driver (if I go that way) with the starter driver, that will unequips my Fusion and allows me to sell it back .

  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Sat, Jun 5 2021 8:10 AM

    Welcome back DA.


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