I agree Double, this thread has given me some food for thought (still digesting!) about this issue.I`ve been disparaging towards the trade in values until I read Nivlac`s post, and Lee capped the whole thing. I wouldn`t have that bitter taste in my mouth if I`d been able to "test drive" before buying, rather than buying "sight unseen".
I`m glad to hear from Alex that this will be addressed and then I`ll agree with Alacowboy whole heartily. The issue then becomes: What will the parameters be for "trying out" the equipment? How many shots? At what cost, if any? If there is a cost, will it be applied to an eventual purchase, or will it be separate? Etc.....more food for thought.
Before we start a lot of speculation, it would be nice if WGT weighed in on this. What are Their thoughts on these parameters? Alex?