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Bugs and more bugs.

rated by 0 users
Tue, Aug 31 2021 6:09 PM (14 replies)
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  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Tue, Aug 31 2021 7:12 AM


    Sorry I was wrong.  Not Rio drawing a blank.  900 coin round Paris?   3’ gimmie every round on the green.  Have had to putt out shots less than 3’ while opponent gets gimmie.   
    correct no gimmies in  Rio.   

    few things here.

    Gimme distances are based on tier. Hacks and amateurs will get gimmes from further out.

    Gimmes are only available in the lower coin rooms. I don't know where the cut off is. probably only in the bottom 3 rooms.

    Shouldn't depend on gimmes anyway. Same as real golf when someone gets mad at me because i don't give them a 3-4 foot putt that i'm fairly sure they will probably miss. 

    I stand by my statement. If you (or me) miss a 2 foot putt then you deserve to lose. 


    You're a level 80 TP with a 90 average griping about inconsistencies when you don't have the game to tell the difference.


    instead of griping on a forum about stuff that is probably your errors, spend some time learning the game. Punches, flops, the math on irons. the math on putting.  this isn't meant to be mean. it's just the cold hard truth. learn more and be better. maybe get tips on the above from club mates. that's part of what a CC is for is to help newbies. 

  • Grimm2021
    12 Posts
    Tue, Aug 31 2021 8:16 AM

    I like how people talk down to other about how they play, like they are superior!  I greet people every round.  I’m not a snob!  Yes I get pissed when something goes wrong, many do even hitting the perfect shot after judging for wind, height, etc.   

    I don’t play physical golf!   I am learning the game!  

    even go and read official rules to learn more.  Am here trying to better understand the game and it’s nuances.  However when the game is making a clear mistake then I wonder?  I ask questions.   

    I play lots of CTTH tourneys and just started playing the coin rounds a few months back.  I don’t play many games where my average score is effected.  Playing to improve level, abilities and practice.

    I still haven’t mastered reading a green, yet I’m judged for missing a 2’ putt.  Something as simple timing could be what makes a putt.  You are so perfect?  

    I don’t always have the Luxury of playing the game in silence.  Dogs, wife, etc    I play the game as best as I can.  When I pay for the game I expect better!  I have a racing game that I play and I do very well at and NO bugs I have found.  Been playing that for years   

    quit be judging asshats!   

  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Tue, Aug 31 2021 2:42 PM

    see the part about how to improve and what to focus on instead of being defensive about missing a 2 foot putt and then being mad about it not being a gimme. 

    obviously in your case it shouldn't have been.

    382 Posts
    Tue, Aug 31 2021 3:02 PM

    WHAT A *** YOU ARE.

  • Grimm2021
    12 Posts
    Tue, Aug 31 2021 6:09 PM

    You didn’t read any of what I said.   
    for as long as WGT has been on the market it sure has bugs.  I know what and have I played.  If your still trolling me my average went up, played a stroke game that nothing worked right for me.  Like every green was domed and I could not stay on top.  After losing 2nd ball and playing with starter ball, I just practiced hitting the ball anywhere to practice how ball and club interacted. That should piss you off!   10’s on every hole after that. 

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