billycash74: you could just join us instead
That is an interesting reply. May be some problems:
1. I am not that good at the actual game, I joined because I thought it was another social media outlet. Was not aware that people actually played golf until after I joined;
2. I like to play, and am active, to an extent, but never liked rules. Therefore, no guaranty that I would play in every club event. I would use the pass when I play but, that's about the only thing I could promise other than participation in the club forum (keep in mind, I am a shy person and do not say much);
3. I only liked the first Karate Kid not the sequels;
4. Young46 (HOF) deleted the comment I put on his wall. (The fact that it may have been inappropriate is irrelevant).
5. I am a killer;
6. I was responsible for some members (ok, most) joining REDRUM and now feel somewhat responsible to insure that, for their sake, the club continues ownerless, with no tournaments or fun, it is the least I can do. When I leave, and I am going to, there are a few that may want to follow but they are not conditions of my accepting any club invites
7. You are a member in the club, not director or owner, are you old enough to send invites? Do your parents know you said I could join?
8. Do you really think Mr. Smithers would want someone like me in his club?
9. Not too sure about cobra profile pic, I would want to jazz it up a bit, more color and stuff - maybe add some pink.