lgacord and RoggRR defeated Gotsodriver and Tino345. A good match with 2 fine gentlemen.
Trying to get hold of MikeTexRitter and Hyrus to set up our game. No response after 1 week. Anyone know them or play with them?
Kay (kdownunder)
Carlosdev and IRISHKING1916 beat Kelsp and allcckandmuscle in a titanic battle that went down the last hole, Kp and Rob pure gents as always in what was a terrific encounter
MikeGooner0 / FEDMOON won 1up vs Steve58300/Veber42
Thrilling game to the finish.
We had the pleasure to play against Roger and Monica. It was a very nice game with some excellent putts and approaches. Thank you very much folks. Final score 2 up for us.
Alt Shot match today at 1 pm CST
MattSutherland and natemakesaholein beat Priestess and Portsd 4&2. Great match, everyone. It was a ton of fun.
Just to confirm what Yiannis said, 12 of the holes were birdied, we won the first hole but didn't win another until the 15th by when it was too late. Good luck to Yiannis and Kev in the next round.
AdamVerrill and madgolfer304 defeated TSOULARA and giannis81s in a 18-hole Alternate Shot game on TORREY PINES GOLF COURSE.
Great match fellas!
Great match Gents!
Enjoy the rest of the tourney.