IMHO I think the G&A are set up for people who play multiple rounds everyday day.
Nope. Although not directly saying this, I've had in in writing who the G&A's are for - they're primarily for WGT because more people are playing more shots in order to achieve the goals, therefore using more balls. And, although I don't agree with this figure, 95% of players need XP, apparel boxes and credits. Yes, we all need credits, but I highly doubt anyone above TL tier and above level 104 need XP or apparel boxes, and if they have any sense they will realise it will cost them more than 35cr in ball hits to get the 150 stars needed to get the 35cr back. So, I think the 95% figure is over-exaggerated by a long way as there are more than 5% of TL's and above who fit in the category of not needing any of the thngs on offer.