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Goal & Achievements

Sun, Mar 3 2024 2:57 PM (580 replies)
  • AlaskanDame
    19,382 Posts
    Mon, Oct 17 2022 4:52 AM

    My daily goals today include “Enter the Showdown.”  It has a countdown clock that says, “Ends in 4 hours” (which is exactly when the showdown starts).  The other daily goals still show 12 hours on their  countdown clocks.

    How am I supposed to meet the Showdown entry goal?  I do intend to enter, but can’t do so before the countdown clock gets to 00:00.  Will that goal really expire in 4 hours, or is this a “display error?”


  • MioKontic
    4,639 Posts
    Mon, Oct 17 2022 5:40 AM


    the friends UI had to be put on pause for a bit because we were forced to work on updating other things by Apple and Android on the client side, since we finished those deadline projects we're now able to pickup friends UI again.

    Thanks for the info but I'm not holding my breath

    Nico, a few things that bug me about the above (no surprise - bugs!)...

    Firstly, the friends invite problem has been here since you first released the non-Flash version, which is at least 5 years ago!  Instead of putting the new UI on hold, why didn't you put the ridiculous new G&A interface and everything that goes with it on hold???

    And despite what others have said in the past, I don't for one minute believe that Apple, Android or anyone else can force you to do anything.  If they said that you have to give all members 1,000,000 free credits, would you do it?  Of course you wouldn't, therefore you are choosing to do as they ask, you are not being forced to do it!

    At the end of the day we, the members, are your customers, not Apple, Android, or anyone else, therefore isn't what we request more important???  Isn't it better to have happy customers on one platform than no customers on multiple platforms?!?

  • blackridgenik
    106 Posts
    Mon, Oct 17 2022 8:32 AM

    Yes I have same, does that mean you have to hit it the mill sec it changes, might have to forfeit that goal.

  • WGTNico
    634 Posts
    Mon, Oct 17 2022 9:01 AM

    Firstly, the friends invite problem has been here since you first released the non-Flash version, which is at least 5 years ago!  Instead of putting the new UI on hold, why didn't you put the ridiculous new G&A interface and everything that goes with it on hold???

    So G&A and Friends UI are things done by engineers on different areas

    backend = G&A

    client = Friends UI

    Client engineers are the ones that work on the things coming in from Apple, Android, etc. and they're also the ones that work on Friends UI so when we receive something from these companies with a deadline, yes we do unfortunately have to put something else on hold since our team is so small.

    And despite what others have said in the past, I don't for one minute believe that Apple, Android or anyone else can force you to do anything.  If they said that you have to give all members 1,000,000 free credits, would you do it?  Of course you wouldn't, therefore you are choosing to do as they ask, you are not being forced to do it!

    So we actually just implemented something in the most recent 1.82.1 update for Android. With that was a change in end of game ads instead of before game. Less ads total, they won't see them every game. 15 sec skip button. This was something that was dictated by Android, less ads in game directly effects our revenue. However, we have been looking into doing less ads in game for a bit now and Android forcing this change on us with a deadline really escalated the process. 

    At the end of the day we, the members, are your customers, not Apple, Android, or anyone else, therefore isn't what we request more important???  Isn't it better to have happy customers on one platform than no customers on multiple platforms?!?

    So this was a win for players on Android in getting less ads, and also a long-term win for us as if we did not meet this deadline set by Android then there could be plenty of errors in game, and potentially even worse things happening if we did not reach this deadline.

  • AlaskanDame
    19,382 Posts
    Mon, Oct 17 2022 10:35 AM


    My daily goals today include “Enter the Showdown.”  It has a countdown clock that says, “Ends in 4 hours” (which is exactly when the showdown starts).  The other daily goals still show 12 hours on their  countdown clocks.

    How am I supposed to meet the Showdown entry goal?  I do intend to enter, but can’t do so before the countdown clock gets to 00:00.  Will that goal really expire in 4 hours, or is this a “display error?”

    The showdown entry goal now says it ends in 22 hours.  Thank you, Nico, if you fixed that.


  • dhjam1
    577 Posts
    Mon, Oct 17 2022 11:01 AM


    So this was a win for players on Android in getting less ads, and also a long-term win for us as if we did not meet this deadline set by Android then there could be plenty of errors in game, and potentially even worse things happening if we did not reach this deadline.

    Definitely a Win!!! One of the best changes made. Thank you to Android for setting a deadline. 👏👏👏

  • WGTNico
    634 Posts
    Mon, Oct 17 2022 11:15 AM

    I agree it's a really great change, and one I'm really happy to see! It also helped us cause we weren't exactly sure where/how to start so Android saying exactly what and how to do helped us

    Definitely a Win!!! One of the best changes made. Thank you to Android for setting a deadline.

  • MoonGlobe
    22 Posts
    Mon, Oct 17 2022 11:24 AM

    I have been awarded many achievements that I have not ever participated in. Given credit for top ten winner where I did not even play. Eagles I have never shot. And much more. 

    How can we go about removing this data from our accounts? I truly do not wish to have these records associated to me. I am rather discouraged about these inaccuracies.  It means that I can not take a players stats and history seriously. 


    Thank you.

  • MioKontic
    4,639 Posts
    Mon, Oct 17 2022 3:18 PM

    I agree it's a really great change

    For who?  A handful of players?

    I could pick huge gaping holes in your reply to my post, but to be honest It's not worth the effort because you will just come back with even more corporate nonsense that's not worth the paper it's written on.  Unlikely to be your fault, you're just the messenger.

  • WGTNico
    634 Posts
    Mon, Oct 17 2022 3:54 PM

    For who?  A handful iof players?

    One of the number one complaints we see by players is the game has too many ads. I see that constantly but most commonly by newer players. Less ads in the game = better playing experience. Android made us and other games implement this ad change by a certain deadline and if we did not complete it by said deadline then they can very easily deny updates to WGT which obviously would be an awful thing for us and for player. So ya we dropped working on friends UI to focus on this, that is a pretty understandable thing for us to do. 

    you will just come back with even more corporate nonsense

    I'm not trying to change your opinion or what you believe. However, it is an absolute fact that if we don't comply with things that are set by Apple, Android, etc. things can and will go wrong. In fact, a few months back when we had the massive issue with Facebook logins was because we needed to update something on our end and Facebook pulled being able to login through their platform because of it, we worked to get it fixed and now are up to date. Imagine that on a much larger scale with Apple or Android. I really tried to make my answer as least corporate as possible as well especially since well I am not a corporate person and none of my response was from anyone above me.

    We're once again working on friends UI because we have the ad changes out and ready to go because the engineer working on that is now freed up for this project. Again, we are a very small studio so we do have to be flexible on when we work on somethings.