No one knows what the "free credit video"system really is. Many opinions is all. There are free vids on PC though mobile ones seem more consistent from what I know. But there some on PC - right now for me but who knows might be gone tomorrow for days/weeks or months.
We must remember for wgt to make them available to us they need to make money off of them first. For example no company is going to pay WGT for their amerinanized adds to be shown to a non target demographic.Two running on PC now are US Navy and add about Michigan. You think they are going to be shown in foreign countrys? Thats just example most PC adds very similar. (I know WGT itself does not manage themselves done through third party)
Now that does not explain why certain people in US have on PC and others don't but probably a reason that people in the advertising world could explain
As far as mobile adds the few I saw were all gaming related certainly universally relevant. Thats my 2cents.