SamSpayed: Of course, the real question in my mind is: Why is WGT wasting programming resources doing this frequency analysis, rather than doing a deep-dive into their code (and maybe network logs) to try to figure out what exactly is (or could be) causing the Showdown Bogey Glitch? Or, alternatively, why aren't they developing some sort of workaround?
DING DING DING DING DING! Correct answer. You get 5 stars for the correct answer, but due to a bug they will not be credited to your account.
Rather than sorting the problem, all they are trying to do is find excuses, and each one gets lamer and lamer. How difficult is it to forfeit in different ways to see what happens to the other player? And if they feel they can't replicate it themselves, I have suggested they recruit some of the members, who I'm certain would be more than happy to help, to replicate the problem with them. And if they use Discord to talk and discuss things, I'm sure it wouldn't take long for the error to be found.
pdb1: I wonder how many of you/us reporting the 3 bogey
glitch . Are also having good success with the continued play feature ?
That has absolutely no relevance to the problem, the problem still exists, therefore it needs fixing. And as I've said before, the workaround is a poor one because someone could have had a good score for the holes they played, then suddenly it is taken away from them and they have to attempt to do it again. If Tiger Woods (or any player for that matter) played 9 holes to 9-under-par, and then the organisers asked him to play the holes again because they forgot to turn the TV cameras on, do you really think he (or indeed any of them) would say "yeah, sure"? More like "no", or less savoury words to that effect.
SamSpayed: But this Showdown Bogey Glitch has been around for more than 2 years now.
Isn't it closer to 4 years?
SamSpayed: It's unprecedented for a bug to exist for 2+ years in any software.
Except in WGT, where bugs still exist from the very early days, that were never fixed in the flash version, and they have no intention of fixing them in the current version either.