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Mon, May 27 2024 8:56 PM (1,691 replies)
  • 1001jrjr
    427 Posts
    Sat, Mar 4 2023 1:43 PM


                                                              MATCH 2 


                                                             TIE 41

     1001JRJR                                           VS                  BLUEY403       


    This game has ended with a draw. It has been a pleasure playing with Pete, and I want to publicly thank him here for his great effort to play at a very early hour in his country, and thus make it easier for me to do it at a reasonable time.
    I don't know if there is a prize for this, but I leave it here
  • pacofox
    2,277 Posts
    Sat, Mar 4 2023 1:44 PM

    Round #1  Group #1  Match #1  Tie #7

    426 LeandroBiri vs 580 JeffH1965

    JeffH1965  beat LeandroBiri 2&1



  • stacer525
    41 Posts
    Sat, Mar 4 2023 3:01 PM

    Round#1 Group#4 Match#3 Tie#113

    Stacer525 won against BillHawk55

    Thanks again Bill for the game, I had the luck today and look forward to playing again one day.



  • vivian1234
    3,991 Posts
    Sat, Mar 4 2023 3:14 PM

    ROUND 1   GROUP 1   

    Shov's Twats      vs         Bills Band 


    tie31    lingling18         vs          LeHew   won

    tie#27   mrexude   won             DaveStrock   

    tie#25    vivian1234     vs          TdotDoba      a tie 


    Cheers ,

    Viv xx

  • bluey403
    1,533 Posts
    Sat, Mar 4 2023 4:28 PM

    Group 2

    SEL Spartans v Trans Pirates

    bluey403 v 1001jrjr

    great fun game, ended all square. Luis played great and hung in there after I got off to good start. His comeback started on #7 with a nice eagle putt and he followed it up with an ACE on #8

    2 down with 2 to play he finished bird / bird to tie it up

    Thanks for the game man. it was a beauty

    180 Posts
    Sat, Mar 4 2023 5:29 PM

    Round 01  /  Group 3  /  #81

    Golfos Unidos vs Cobra Kai Samurai

    Tsoulara (win) Vs. MSulaman


    A fab game against a  gent, ended 1up for Tsoulara. 

    Thank you Curtis for the gr8 Time and good luck going forward.







  • tommyd141
    9 Posts
    Sat, Mar 4 2023 7:37 PM

    Both of the below are Group 2, Round 1, Match 4


    Tie 63 - #394 justindavid92 defeated #607 Iparkin  by 4 up

    Tie 64 - #606 Poncharello6504 defeated #397 ironduke2334 by 2 up

  • seniorbruno
    786 Posts
    Sat, Mar 4 2023 8:03 PM

    Group !  Round !  Tie 19    Fowl Assassins vs  Inglorious Basterds

    Seniorbruno vs vs Grownchild613

    Grownchild613 opened hot and was 4 up thru 8 holes    I got it going and pulled even on #15   We both burned edges on 18, so it's a draw.  Thanks to my opponent for an enjoyable match. Really nice guy.


    475 Posts
    Sun, Mar 5 2023 12:16 AM


    Tie #165

    Thee Ghostriders vs SEL Thunderchickens Group 6


     Irishking1916 wins 5up

    Was a fun game , Darren just came up against a rare good game from me in Kiawah, He never gave up and fought for every shot... a real gent

  • gordonparker
    827 Posts
    Sun, Mar 5 2023 1:52 AM

    Group 3 Round 1

    SEL Pigeonslayers v TPB savage IV

    #75 TsunamiSaint 3up win vs Letterkennyirish

    #76 Paulfinn52 3up win vs amadeus2015