Thanks to Nico, it seems we have this thread under control again. A number of posts have had to be deleted though.
The initial cause of the problem seems to be the dragging of screenshot images into a post. This doesn't work and causes problems. Please do not drag image files into a post.
The correct way to post a screenshot is as follows:
- Upload your screenshot to an image hosting site. is a free image hosting site, it's easy to use, and it doesn't put a watermark on the resulting image linke many other sites.
- Once the image has been uploaded, click on the Direct Link box (which will highlight it's contents) and copy the URL (you can use CTRL + C to copy).
- Begin a post in this thread.
- Click on the Insert Media icon in the toolbar (the one which looks like a couple of frames from a roll of film). Paste the URL (CTRL + V to paste) into the Media URL box in the Insert Media popup window.
- Click the Insert button.
Your screenshot should now be in the post. If you wish, you can write something before inserting the screenshot, or you can write something after it (just make sure you go down to the next line first).
Hope this helps.