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Please get rid of the fat white line

Mon, Nov 6 2023 5:01 PM (64 replies)
  • RyjaTybas
    5,148 Posts
    Thu, Oct 5 2023 8:40 AM

    This new white line on the green (alternating with black) is totally awful and far too thick.

    What a senseless and distracting addition to the game.

    Fortunately, I do most of my putts using reverse view, which makes the line slightly less obtrusive, but I still hate it. 

    If enough of us complain, WGT might get rid of it.

  • WildHokie1
    53 Posts
    Thu, Oct 5 2023 9:56 AM

    yes is it distracting and no explanation why it is there. Is it a putting aid? where the color changes when you are closer to the line? 

  • cvstahl
    1 Posts
    Thu, Oct 5 2023 1:21 PM

    I completely agree! The white line needs to go WGT or at least an option to hide it...

  • jacktrade51
    11,125 Posts
    Thu, Oct 5 2023 4:11 PM

    Ditto.  Tom.

  • ThreeWheelBadAss
    27 Posts
    Thu, Oct 5 2023 4:30 PM

    Indeed, what is this all about?  has to be a glitch or something.

  • MrEd
    22 Posts
    Thu, Oct 5 2023 5:03 PM

    White line is annoying.  Why not give the cheaters the exact line and speed they already have Ding Master Pro now. Geez no more lines.

  • Xania300
    1 Posts
    Thu, Oct 5 2023 5:56 PM

    Just Googled how to get rid of it & ended up here... So annoying. 

  • AussieDavo11
    2,286 Posts
    Thu, Oct 5 2023 6:18 PM

    Agree, unwelcome and hopefully there is a setting to get rid of them.

  • Duphpherer
    455 Posts
    Thu, Oct 5 2023 8:48 PM

    A subdued line has always been since I've been playing. It recently became a bold neon Star Wars light saber.

  • Lesthanpar
    1,482 Posts
    Fri, Oct 6 2023 1:17 AM

    I don't like the white line myself either. More of a distraction than any kind of an aid. Either get rid of it altogether or make it an option weather you want it on or not.