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The Holiday Half Day 2023 by Nico and Champ

Thu, Dec 21 2023 12:30 PM (362 replies)
  • RiverBlaze
    15 Posts
    Thu, Dec 21 2023 10:00 AM

    I ca't find a 64* callaway wedge to gift you


  • ryry4321
    45 Posts
    Thu, Dec 21 2023 10:02 AM

    I would love the Hockey mask if possible, thanks Nico and Champ. Merry Christmas to all 🎅 

  • LelandScott
    4 Posts
    Thu, Dec 21 2023 10:02 AM

    Hi Nico! We have never met, but I am in a CC (Mostly Harmless) with HPinCT. She told me about this and this is very generous of you to do this. My wish is for a sleeve of L85 Taylor Made golf balls. I'm a simple guy with simple needs. Merry Christmas or whatever you celebrate this time of year, and a Happy New Year to you and the crew. - LelandScott


  • jason01291
    417 Posts
    Thu, Dec 21 2023 10:03 AM

    Can I have Holiday shirt, Holiday pants and Holiday gloves to complete the outfit and look as good as u Santa 


    Happy Holz 

    Merry Christmas 

  • papadeaux
    870 Posts
    Thu, Dec 21 2023 10:03 AM

    Happy Holidays I wish I could have lvl 96 60 degrees Callaway. Wedge Thanks for everything you do to keep this game fun 

  • malla1966
    17 Posts
    Thu, Dec 21 2023 10:03 AM

    All i want for xmas is lL 94 callaway full toe  52% wedge

  • GCliftonHarris
    17 Posts
    Thu, Dec 21 2023 10:03 AM

    I am wishing for a Titleist Pro V1x Ultra Slow sleeve for a good buddy DOCAPPLE. He has had a very rough year medically. Thanks for all you do Nico for this game!! For myself a sleeve to but if not give it to Doc. Merry Christmas!

  • WGTChampion
    1,891 Posts
    Thu, Dec 21 2023 10:04 AM


    Got everything I need, and want, thanks to the great people at WGT.

    Hope Champ, Nico, Shamwow and the great folks with member services (who got their own special email- LOL) have a wonder, happy, jolly, holiday and enjoy the PTO. everyone else, HAPPY HOLIDAYS!




    1,288 Posts
    Thu, Dec 21 2023 10:04 AM

    Merry Christmas Nico and Champ. Thank you for all you've done this last year. 

    If I could get a sleeve of L0+ Yellow Ultra Slow Meter Vapor Balls, I would be very grateful. 


  • BlackBogey
    464 Posts
    Thu, Dec 21 2023 10:05 AM


    I ca't find a 64* callaway wedge to gift you


    That's funny, I was going to do the exact same thing, then realized it was little bit more of a wish than a request from Santa, LOL.