I have learnt to avoid premium RG's. It is a combination of acceptance that i'm not good enough, and hard experience and wisdom. Nothing to do with green speeds. Everything to do with the fact that the Premium RG's attract two types of players - the best, and the cheats "sharks".
My example would be the Cabo full 18. For a month this 100 RG ran with low wind and tournament greens and very rarely produced a 56 or 57 with 58 being the usual winning score. Then it went Premium with Championship greens and 55 was needed to get into the top 10 LOL! I think 3 players shot 53's first RG out of the gate!
For me, the very best thing about the Premium's is that it has made the 100 RG's a lot more fun for mere mortals like myself. I've even managed to win a couple! :)