AC-Think about dropping either your HB or your 3W and carrying a 3rd wedge. How often would you really need both if your 3i goes 200 and you have the 3rd spot open for a wedge that will let you cover from 110 in. Your PW goes 110 and with a 54w,60w and 64 wedge you'd be able to cover yourself.
By way of an example, I carry 4 wedges. My iron coverage is 210 197 185 172 160 147 135 122 110pw, 90w, 77w, 50w. The 110 maps to cover 95-105 easily, the 90w maps just as easily to cover down to the 77w which punches 63. The punch shot takes this club to the 64w, which goes 50. The 64w is sick with accuracy on all shots from 55 in. Highly recommend that one.
If I need to have a long fwy club, like in a high wind setting, I swap the 90w for a 98 and drop the 110 but I've pretty much given up doing that. If you believe your scores will increase by paying attention to your GIR , which they will, equip yourself to handle the situations you see with the most scoring affect-the approach. GL with whatever you decide.