remington4459: Z-force(formerly known as Blackwater) and just in case u look it up if u cant find it means u cant afford it
A few things...
What I can and cannot afford is up to me, and what I chose to purchase, or not.
In my years on this green earth, I have found that those who need to tell all how much they make, are usually full of crap.
Now, back to your very first post in this thread, it had nothing to do with the topic of the thread, hence why you were "bashed"...1st day or 4th year, treatment would have been the same.
I'm no English Major, but I did graduate from High School.
You seem to be a 52 year old texter.
remington4459: the guilty ones usually get thier hackles riled and make comments wish u the best here in your endeavors but never i say never say comments like u did to me again thanks RJ
Veiled threats.
Give it a rest, as in regards to this site, I offer the following to you:
Nobody cares what you do for a living.
Nobody cares how much money you make.
The majority of players here do care how you play the game and how you conduct yourself here.