Round 2 Match 15, Tie # 415
Robbo81303 vs sirbiffo
Robbo wins 1 up. Gr8 match Wayne!
Round 2, Match 35
Tie 571
Rterm (KH5) vs Birbieman (TPB5) All Square
Round 2 Match 35. Tie #571
Birbieman vs. rterm
Ended AS through 18
Really enjoyed a hard fought and well played match
Sunset Ridge GC VS OCGL LL2
match 32
tie 547
Bakedz1t1 defeats PeakyB001. 2 up
Round #2
Match #19
Tie #443
raywarhola vs Vaughnthekiwi
Vaugnhthekiwi wins over raywarhola 5&3
Win for ECB1: Golfing Eagles
Rd 2
Match 21
Tie 460
Pierrot1986 v MammutPaule
Pierrot1986 wins 1up
Round.2 TGR Tigers Vs SEL Thunderchickens
Tie 398, Velvetspirit Vs Conexcon, Conexcon wins 5up
A very good game score line does not give the full picture, a pleasure to play Jeremy a true gent (and an Aussie...LOL)
deanoxxx7: Round 2 Match 3 Ptrenter and deanoxxx7 AS really good game and company
Round 2 Match 3
Ptrenter and deanoxxx7 AS
really good game and company
Missing from scoreboard. Originally posted on page 69
Match # 18 Tie # 434 Round 2
bills band vs desperados
HKharroubi1 defeats grampazz 5 up
Round 2
Vault 2 vs HCGC Hawks
Match 4
Tie 324
DivotMker vs Jmugsy1 Jmigsy1 wins