Round 2, match 29, tie 525
Great match in which RickRR came from 3 down to beat Randall0254 2up
Randall had a beautiful HIO on the 3rd hole.
Round 2, Match 9, Tie #361
DaveBrooks defeats Immortalyoda 3Up
Round #2
Match #19
Tie #448
emavres vs Workguy590
emavres wins over Workguy590 5up
Win for B&F Blood Knights
Thank you for posting, I really appreciate it.
Rd 2 Match 26 Tie 503
VMFG Daws Drivers vs TFC1 Fowl Assassins
Jobu33 defeats Alreno
Round 2
Match 24
Tie 486
Storm8338 wins over akatiger74
Round 2 Match 3 Tie 315
Tezzastheman (SEL Warriors) v CricketCrampton (SEL Spartans)
Tezza wins 3 & 2
Round 2, Match 25, Tie #489
808life defeats banman5, 5 up
thanks for the fun round banman5 and good luck rest of WC! aloha
Round 2, Match 27, Tie #505
Scramps13 defeats Herjavimi 3 UP
Round 2, Match 27, Tie #510
Hyhyhyhy5 defeats MariaRSoto 4 UP
Round 2, Match 9, Tie 364
xxxVANDALxxx defeats GriffPeet
Thanks for the match Griff! Enjoyed playing with you and hope to pair up again some time.