Final round scorecard for Chuckiee, and JTxpress.
I am not one to complain. I have multiple posts, but don't complain about the game, because I feel WGT is doing all they can to correct these ongoing problems, and there are plenty of other people that voice concerns equal to mine. BUT, todays high wind round was virtually unplayable for Chuckiee, and myself. On at least 6 holes the wind (highwind) did absolutely nothing, or worse did the opposite of what it said. On one hole the wind was blowing 13mph left to right. I aimed drive in fairway about 5 feet from left edge, sliced 1/8 inch, and instead of going right, it went into left rough 15 feet. On the approach, with wind still blowing 13mph left to right, i decided not to aim for wind at all. I left the aim marker right on the pin. Again I sliced, bad, about 1/4inch and the ball still went 12-15 feet left of pin. These were not the typical deviation shots. It was time after time, hole after hole. I don't know if others had this problem, but I've never experienced these wind problems before.
I strongly suggest that we refrain from high wind matches in the future untill WGT corrects this problem.
If I had been high up on leadrer board, I would of been tearing the last 3 hairs out of my head. Luckily, we were so far behind this week the score didn't matter.