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Posting comments on other players profile!!!!!

Fri, Jan 8 2010 11:57 AM (19 replies)
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  • bernie1960
    3 Posts
    Wed, Jan 6 2010 8:59 AM

    Today i was enjoying the game as i do daily,when " ###" had quit ont the first or second green. I make a comment to the other player "***" about it and he replies back " we all do it" ,i read your profile! So i go to my profile to see what he's talking about.### had commented that i quit on the game we were playing Dec 12.Thats how much i look at my profile so i earse it and decide to look at theres to see ### is a master tier.That is a good accomplishment, 68 avg. Looking farther into his profile his best 18 hole round is 81,mine 74 just to let you feel what im getting to.*** after the next hole also quits and so i go to the next game and he's starting over.I look at his profile and he has more friends than he posted games three times over so the fraud is quit at your first bogey and start over.They should determine the avg. score only by consecutive games with no quits or limit the amount to improve your avg.So if they have any problem with this, i will back all this smack at the first tee for eighteen holes at the highest level    

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Wed, Jan 6 2010 1:19 PM


    I understand your frustration and your concerns.

    Players will quit for many reasons...  protecting an average, falling behind, having a bad day, etc etc etc.  There are as many reasons for people to quit as there are people who quit.  It is a fact of WGT.

    There are a number of solutions.  Join the WGTLS ladder site and play those who realize there will be consequences for quitting... only play with friends and acquaintances...  play solo / tournaments only.  These ways you (usually) don't get players who quit as you would in a randomly selected 'pick-up' game.

    Having said all that, please allow me to remind you that calling out players by name in the forums is actually considered a more egregious breach of etiquette (and the TOS) than prematurely leaving a random multi-player game.

    Please edit your post (with the names of other players omitted) before the forum moderators (such as they are) have a chance to come in and change it for you.

    I am not trying to be mean or denigrate you, just offering a bit of advice.  I hope you take it in the spirit it was intended.


  • WGTadmin
    1,166 Posts
    Wed, Jan 6 2010 1:43 PM

    Hi Bernie... Please do not call out members in the forum.  I've edited your post to remove the usernames.

    We know that quitters are an issue, and we're working on finding a good solution to this problem. We appreciate your suggestions and feedback.

  • bernie1960
    3 Posts
    Thu, Jan 7 2010 6:49 AM

    Im sorry if i caused  issues with any WGT members.There is no rule in golf about quitting, even in this game,you should polite about it and inform the group you are playing with for what ever the reason maybe.Resolving the problem of quitting to improve your rankings is another issue.How can you have a ranking of Pro tier when the best 18 hole round you have scored is over 80?Should a player be able to advance tiers playing only 9 holes games?Should a player have to play an 18 hole in the mix to determine there average?How many 18 hole rounds should and player post before there average can improve?I feel a persons average should not be on nine hole rounds alone.Maybe to really resolve things ,a player should have to post two 18 hole rounds with no incomplete rounds between every month for his rankings to improve.As i said i enjoy this game quitters and all.Im sorry if i offended anyone please except my apology    

  • NormH3
    214 Posts
    Fri, Jan 8 2010 5:27 AM

    We need to stop worrying about what other people are doing and enjoy the game. If someone wishes to quit a game, so be it. You still have the capability to finish yours and receive credit. If it annoys you then find a handful of friends that will stick to it until the end.

    Life's a is WGT.

  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Fri, Jan 8 2010 5:43 AM

    If someone wishes to quit a game, so be it.

    Not really, because in doing so, they are destroying someone else's intended multi-player round. It is to be hoped WGT will soon fix the reputation tracking along the lines described here.

  • NormH3
    214 Posts
    Fri, Jan 8 2010 6:17 AM


    If someone wishes to quit a game, so be it.

    Not really, because in doing so, they are destroying someone else's intended multi-player round. It is to be hoped WGT will soon fix the reputation tracking along the lines described here.

    Destroying? Pretty intense word for something that has nothing to do with life and death.

    I had 2 guys disconnect from me because I got stuck in the trees on the first hole at Beth Page. I finished the hole on my own and used it as a learning experience. Nothing was destroyed. I suspect they moved on to another round.

  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Fri, Jan 8 2010 7:02 AM

    Destroy is the right word. It utterly destroys any enjoyment of a multi-player round if your partners ditch you so that you're left alone on the course. It's no longer a multi-player round by then. Just because you don't mind it doesn't mean thousands of other players don't mind it either. They do, very much so, which is proved by quitters being a recurrent hot topic in the forums. Reputation tracking, but only if implemented properly, will resolve that issue once and for all.

  • NormH3
    214 Posts
    Fri, Jan 8 2010 7:51 AM

    To each his own. When I play golf or WGT, I play against the course. I guess I have a different mindset. Let's just agree to disagree.

  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Fri, Jan 8 2010 8:20 AM

    Yes, you're correct. We'll agree to disagree. It's different mindsets.    Many folks join a multi-player round only because they find it too boring to play the same course for the 1000th time solo. Some folks don't mind that, but many do. So when they're ditched by the other players, they've been robbed of their time spent in that failed round, as well as enjoyment of the game.

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