LeonDelBosque:If you think it's "fair" that Legends play from the same tees as TPs, then I guess you think "fair" means, "legends should win every single game."
That is absolutely, bang on by far the most truthful comment yet.
Proof is in the pudding when you play a Legend usually from 09 or early 10 and a few long time TM and win the first hole or at least if you get the lead at some point and they start screaming in the chat box to the point I have to shut it down.
Absolutely ridiculous that they expect you to roll over and play dead.
Some i have offered to mail them the credits if they would just STFU.
Only good thing about it is, I usually end up with a full out coles notes version summary of my profile, saving me the trouble of reviewing it. (LOL, yes I find this funny).
On to the topic at hand, I think it would be a good idea for some players if equipment was available to tier rather than level, but I also get the reverse business model point of this suggestion. But there would be some incentive to players to move up tiers to get better equipment that would still allow them to compete with high level lower tier players.
It would completely solve all the issues the whiners here complain of, if the equipment were to get significantly better the higher the teir, There would be no issue for a legend to play a level 90 TP if the legend driver and ball went 100 yards further than the TP's.
But then the game would suck for the Legend and be boring, but it's typical of real life as well, complainers tend to ask for things that once delivered make it awful for the silent majority.