josephk2317: I then stretched the meter in Microsoft Excel to this length
You need to create an IMAGE of the ruler. Take a screen shot (Win Vista/ 7 - snipping tool - or using Print Screen on the KB)
Once you have a jpeg image.
Open it in your image program and you then have 2 options to resize it.
1. Resize the image in cm/mm to your measurements and then print actual size. Be sure to save your new resized image as ANOTHER file name, keep your original in tact.
Resize image: check out this pic, you will see my resize of 12.4cm X 3.1cm
2. Use your printer properties window to resize the image as it prints - In y image program i have a lot of options to set up the print, here you will see my resize print of
124mm X 31mm
( On the left you will see default image sizes - standard photo sizes etc. - I clicked ADD - highlighted in blue - to add a new custom print size and entered my measurements)
Your image program and printer set up may be different of course, but hopefully this gives you a direction to go a hunting.
josephk2317: I am also making one for a friend of mine
You will need to measure HIS swing meter on HIS monitor as well.
Good luck!