A gentle reminder to all players taking part in the GS Open
Each week for 4 weeks ( April and May Qualifiers) you will play one (multi play game) and your scorecards MUST be saved showing all 18 hole by hole scores.
Your scorecards MUST be inserted into this thread
Your scorecards MUST be submitted within the time allowance (each week ends at Midnight GMT on a Sunday)
Make sure you advertise to find a partner to accompany you in plenty of time to ensure you get your game in on time. (You may be accompanied by a GS Open participant that has already submitted and that player can "mark" your card - he/she MUST also save the scorecard and upload with a brief message stating that he/she was marking.
In the event of disconnections - You will restart the game from the disconnection point (if for instance you were disconnected on the approach shot at the sixth
hole You would restart and your score would commence from the 6th tee )
You MUST upload your part card BEFORE re-commencing play. When you have completed your round, simply go back to your forum post and select "edit" and insert the new card/s to your original post
If a scorecard is not submitted within the timescale the player will receive a "no return" and will score zero points for that week/round
If a scorecard is not saved and only the opposing player submits a scorecard it will be subject to a decision by golfseeker whether the player not submitting is disqualified. The moral is - Don't rely upon youtr partner - make sure you save each hole as you play. (see Golden Rule Golfseeker website)
There is no need to worry about scoring or stats as that will all be done for you
Good luck to all