Of course thats the answer ill get from you guys, thats the answer everyone always gets but im sorry if more people are having problems then just me, its not coincidence, and as for me "hardly breaking par" i have broke par many times in the ready-go's, ive earned over 30$ from playing them, what im saying is they are very inconsistent, its not the same game every time you play it. And to be honest you really dont have to answer me like your someone special, i do not like being talked to like a child, a personal problem?, well sweetie its more then me that has this "personal problem" so before you go and talk to me like a child, just remember, this is a forum, if i have a problem i should be allowed to come in and express my problems, and not be bashed for having a opinion, also to check and see if anyone else has the same things happen to them. Its just pretty funny, there are a select few who come in on every topic and bash the crap out of people who have an opinion, to be honest every business i have ever dealt with that has had unhappy costumer the business has tried to help out, not have people come in and tell them everything they are saying is stupid and not true. Im in the majority here, and if it was just me you have the right to say what you did, but its not just me, its alot of people so dont give me the bull crap for expressing my opinion