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Thu, Feb 18 2010 8:45 AM (36 replies)
  • OaktheToke
    409 Posts
    Fri, Jan 22 2010 2:46 PM


    Truly sick of hitting 6 ft putts 8 ft and having them come up short.   The speedsets need to be modified.  I really shouldn't have to bazooka puts.  This is not accurate unless WGT want to create a new course being your local crappy ass public muni special.

    There is a lot more than adding or subtracting one or two feet to compensate for slow or fast greens. You need to work out an algorithm and then refine it until it seems to produce the best result. And then there are other factors to take into account: the up triangle or down triangle with 0 inches slope definetely means something. Wind direction does have effect on putts too. The same up and down slope in different parts of the putt have a different effect, and so on. 

    Ball performance is essentially a formula applied over and over again. The formula might be accurate or not in representing the physical event, but it's always the same, I doubt WGT has worked out 2 different maths for RG's and MP's...they've got enough issues to deal with as it is !

    One thing is to complain about the jerky meter, and one thing is coming up with excuses for poor performance. If in real golf your ball drifts off the green because of poor wind judgement who do you blame, Isaac Newton ??

    Perhaps you'd prefer to save your sarcasm for a match play challenge for minimal credits and some bragging rights?

    I just stated my opinion so  if you want to call me out I'd prefer to talk some trash during a private match instead of trolling on this forum.  Heck, your AVG is better than mine so what do you have to lose?  ;)  LOL

    Let me know dude, or should I say Isaac.

  • KatieJ
    43 Posts
    Sat, Jan 23 2010 12:12 PM

    Personally its the opposite for me,,hitting a 15 foot putt and the putt goes 20 feet plus on a level green,,they do need to rework the the speed,,but I think they did rework it, which is how we got here

  • blackbeard
    288 Posts
    Thu, Jan 28 2010 1:45 PM

    Just found this thread, and when I read the very first post, thought Hallelujah !!! a man after my own heart. The RG's are definitely different, and I will not be entering another one as I see no point in making a donation to the Masters who no doubt win every tourney.

  • pricehcs
    288 Posts
    Sat, Jan 30 2010 2:42 PM
    Just wanted to add my name to the 'not different' crowd. No doubt the wind speed and green speed fluctuates by tournament, but they play consistently once you get used to them.
  • tomwatson2001
    1 Posts
    Mon, Feb 8 2010 12:09 PM
    How do you enter Ready- Go's? Every time I check to see if one is open there aren't any. Do you have to be a certain tier to enter them??
  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Feb 8 2010 12:21 PM

    I believe they are at the pro+ level and you have to live in a state that allows skill based gaming (not sure about the pro thing.)


  • jasondement
    322 Posts
    Wed, Feb 10 2010 10:22 AM

    Hello all, I just wanted to chime in with my 2 cents worth on this. I play almost every ready go and don't win many but I get my share of credits. I don't notice any other difference other than my frustration level and that ,for me, is my biggest opponent. I do miss more putts in the ready goes but I don't think its the game. It's my dedgum finger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The snowball effect gets me bigtime in ready goes. If I miss one simple putt I miss a bunch. But on the rounds I keep a cool head and don't get frustrated I play just as good as my abilities allow me to. It's more of a head game for me. But I could just be a head case. I dunno you decide.

  • NYBallerMan
    52 Posts
    Wed, Feb 17 2010 6:34 PM

    The game responds differently in ALL the tournaments. I'll not play in the Ready to Go tournaments and throw $10.00 away. It's a waste of money.

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Wed, Feb 17 2010 7:32 PM

    I played the ready-go gig for a small turn...I always seemed to be able to double my entry fee, or better, just by showing up.

    I noticed my good fortune was at the expense of others less skilled. That made me feel, what I would suppose a 'hoe', perhaps feels like.

     I will still play once in a while for the fun, but never the pecuniary advantage as my object.

     What I did enjoy, was the ever changing mix of wind & green speed. The conditions were always fair and varied as with all other aspects of our game and would simply try to deal with it.

  • NYBallerMan
    52 Posts
    Wed, Feb 17 2010 7:50 PM

    I always respect the fact that everyone has an opinion. By the way, golf is not played against anyone except the course. Further, skill sets are developed after tireless repetition. A I stated the conditions encountered in the tournaments cannot not be replicated as the conditions are so drastically different. What you call skill is arbitrary as the physical and mental skill sets of the individual player are really moot in a computer generated game. Most folks who do the most bragging are more than likely useless on a real course.