This thing is going to chit.
Ok So I propose we just move forward. If people havnt played by now too bad. You both are out. Yes we lose credits, but we have to keep these things rolling to keep any interest at all.
These are winners from the first round. There are 12 people so we have $24 in the pot right now, correct? Lets draw a new round from the winners below.
11 v 25 iremanu
24 v 22 SPIN01
19 v 13 peacher
23 v 4 chrisironsbones
15 v 8 sunshinewilly
20 v 30 MBaggese
21 v 12 73ennis73
14 v 3 Laute
5 v 1 upinsmoketour
31 v 16 Dazza501
10 v 6 BeachedMulligan
Chris this is your tourney so please dont think im jacking it. Above is simply my proposal of how to get things moving again.