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Quitters (plural) has 2 T's In It

Tue, Feb 28 2012 11:04 AM (104 replies)
  • 3puttsSuk
    361 Posts
    Sun, Feb 26 2012 6:31 AM


    get a life


    uh oh,  does shoop have a friend ?  Now I need a life as well as a job.

    Eight months on the sight  and that's how you pop your forum cherry ?!?

    Right back at you!


    And Everything Else ... might be where this thread belongs.

  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Sun, Feb 26 2012 6:46 AM



    get a life




    Eight months on the sight 

    SITE. lol


  • 3puttsSuk
    361 Posts
    Sun, Feb 26 2012 9:46 AM


    SITE. lol


    I figured somone would catch it.   Instead of just bickering, I thought I wood stay with the theme of the thread without makeing it  to obvious.

    56 Posts
    Mon, Feb 27 2012 2:29 AM

    I have to stick my oar in here.

    Only thing in relation to this thread that really gets on my goat is this:-


    Visa/Vica versa


    It's VICE FFS not piggin' vica or visa!!!  VICE :D

    56 Posts
    Mon, Feb 27 2012 5:49 AM

    At least with you being Canadian, you say Zed and not Zeeeee

    Honour not honor too while I think of it.   It's a perfectly good 'U' so use it! :P



    gee ,i got my english lesson today with this post i am almost scared of writting ..........( niet )  thats how you recognize me  guys  LOL  


  • LeonDelBosque
    1,551 Posts
    Mon, Feb 27 2012 9:58 AM

    For those who have said here and elsewhere that they could care less if their English is perfect, I have only this to say: It's not COULD care less, it's COULDN'T!

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Feb 27 2012 10:56 AM

    It's not COULD care less, it's COULDN'T!

    Ah, but if you say you could care less maybe you're indicating you care a little. You would have to to care less. Should you not care less then there is none at all to begin with.  :-)

  • MioKontic
    4,654 Posts
    Mon, Feb 27 2012 11:11 AM


    For those who have said here and elsewhere that they could care less if their English is perfect, I have only this to say: It's not COULD care less, it's COULDN'T!

    Thank you, I always thought it was that too, but EVERYONE on here seems to write "could care less".

    56 Posts
    Mon, Feb 27 2012 1:05 PM




    Thank you, I always thought it was that too, but EVERYONE on here seems to write "could care less".


    If someone says to me they could care less, I always think they care.  Hence the funny looks I get from them :D