At 8 PM I`ll have 362 days, WOO>> WOO
Did u make a FULL YEAR?,,,lol.
Reminds me of a time when I was playing the #'s. I played a # for almost the entire year and one day came along and I didn't make it to the store to play that #,,,,MY #. I use to play it every way possible, straight, box, combo, combo box,etc,,,etc. I would put 10 sometimes $20 down on just that 1 number, EVERY DAY. Well sure as sh*t the ONE night I didn't make it to the store to play that #,,,MY # it comes out STRAIGHT. It paid $10,000 the way I would play it. Even the next day when I showed up to work a couple of my friends said - hey! whada you doing here today, you should be downtown collecting your cash,,,lol. Needless to say, I was sick in every sense of the word. I have never played a number from that day forward.