replay.aspx?ID=d08b8589 0cdd 4c04 a7ec a02e00ad87bf
And that's two.
Very nice x 2 piztaker
think i read you can play stroke-play for 500 credits..was a pop up .Not totally sure,
edit..sorry just looked for it and no go yet
my ace on the 9th first time playing it
shame i wasrubbish on the other holes and shot about 260
The 6th is the only really tricky one. You either catch the rough or roll down the hill.
#6 is the key hole for sure in this CTTH. My best so far is 76.99, but still left a couple of shots out there.
Pitch in on #3... That just happen.
Milfshake: Pitch in on #3... That just happen.
SgtDoodles: Milfshake: Pitch in on #3... That just happen. Ditto...
same....just forgot to save the replay lol
hpurey: SgtDoodles: Milfshake: Pitch in on #3... That just happen. Ditto... same....just forgot to save the replay lol
Carbon copy here