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Re: Scott's tips.

Mon, Mar 10 2025 9:51 AM (770 replies)
  • Marco129
    275 Posts
    Sun, Apr 16 2017 4:46 AM

    Our county club uses a shoutbox.

    I use "Always on Top" an Add-on for Firefox (and Firefox style browsers). It does exactly what you are looking to do. I can keep the shoutbox "pinned" over my gameclient and chat in the shoutbox while playing WGT.

    The shoutbox we use is Shoutmix. It has an option which allows you  "popout"  the shoutbox in a new window and then I pin that window to the top of my screen.

    Links: Shoutmix:

    Always on top Firefox Add-on:

    This exact Add-on is not available for Chrome Browsers. There are programs for Windows which will keep any window (even an app) on top of other windows, but I have not tested or tried any of them, so I do not feel comfortable in recommending them.

    I hope this helps,

     - Mark

  • RoggRR
    648 Posts
    Sun, Apr 23 2017 5:05 AM

    Very very nice, mark. very good description, thanks. 

    We are testing few chats :now:  chatwing, shoutbox and yourshoutbox. Pretty good, all 3.

    Scott gave us very important steps"" ... We still adjusting and testing chats. Some of them can be detached from the page. 

    Scott, thank your for the patience and all the help..

    man, you have great spirit, it is very good to have you here. If you ever gonna  need help , i will try to do  something back

  • ScottHope
    10,703 Posts
    Sun, Apr 23 2017 5:47 AM

    Cheers Rogg, I'll look forward to seeking your assistance in the future.  : )

    (To any onlookers, I haven't ignored Mark, I responded to his post in a PM. thanks again Mark.).

  • RoggRR
    648 Posts
    Wed, May 31 2017 6:25 PM

    i 'm using YourShoutBox ( durring last several weeks. it is pretty easy to use it and it is free. 1 week after we have started it there is 1 restriction - u cant use private chat box (for 2 users), that needs premium registration. .... yeah, and there is 1 add (inside the chat lines)
    anyway, it is still very good - you can make the chat window as standalone window (options/expand). i use a little prog "WindowPinner" to pinn it as TopWindow (the prog is v little, free, after using it you can close it, pinned windows will stay as Top anyway, WinXP)

    marco was talking about another free chat program, it looks similiar like this1


  • whooshdangit
    1,246 Posts
    Wed, May 31 2017 11:34 PM

    Hi RoggRR

    I'm not sure here if you want to type or talk while you're playing so bear with me if I'm completely wrong ; ) 

    I play on an oldish laptop, webcam taken out, and have tried a lot of different  chat apps. I only use it for playing WTF  WGT. I installed Skype and it brought the thing to it's knees. The meter lag was terrible and it crashed regularly, then I discovered Discord. It's a chat / voice app. that runs independant of WGT but causes no meter problems at all! If you want you can have up to 10 people talking at once, not a good idea, so you can create another room for just the people you are playing with. You can also type messages but it's so much easier just to speak with them. You don't need any extra windows open or other things that might cause problems.

    And it's 100% FREE, NO RESTRICTIONS. You can find it here.

    It's worth a look if anyone's interested.



  • ScottHope
    10,703 Posts
    Thu, Jun 1 2017 12:21 AM

    Glad to hear you've got YourShoutBox up and running to your satisfaction Rogg, nice job.  ; )

    Lol @ Rich playing WTF, hehe.  : )

    ⇩ EDIT : Thank you Rich. ; ) ⇩

  • whooshdangit
    1,246 Posts
    Thu, Jun 1 2017 12:32 AM

    Hi Scott

    Keep up the great work, thanks for all that you do.



  • RoggRR
    648 Posts
    Thu, Jun 1 2017 6:46 AM

    Rich, is it a mobile app?

    I use PC only, XP



    Edit: rich, thank you for the info. :)

  • ScottHope
    10,703 Posts
    Thu, Jun 1 2017 7:30 AM

    Imgur video clips (gifs)

    When it comes to posting imgur video clips, I find that right clicking on the clip and getting the video address works best, rather than using any available link.

    If you then click the insert media icon as usual here, paste in the video address to the media url box, but remove the file extension and full stop (period) from the end (.mp4).

    When it comes to putting dimensions in the size boxes, 444 is good for the width if you want to make the most of the available real estate (but not compulsory) and, if the video clip looks like it has been taken with a smart phone in portrait mode, then the aspect ratio is going to be 16:9 or 18:9. So, doing a little mental maths, that would make the height value about 790-890. You might need to tweak the height value if it doesn't look right after posting, because of the white bits at the top and bottom of the video clip.

    Having said all that, this seems to work in Chrome based browsers, but I can't guarantee it'll work everywhere so it's not a perfect solution.

    If you are a bit of a nerd then you can always use your browsers dev tools to get the exact video size.


    The two clips above should look different. The one on the right has no white border top and bottom, whereas the one on the left has. The right clip I have put into two div containers which hide the white bits. The left clip is much easier to do but not as clean looking.

  • whooshdangit
    1,246 Posts
    Thu, Jun 1 2017 8:22 AM

    Hi RoggRR

    If you use that link it takes you directly to the download page. You can download it there for Android and iOS. On the PC it only works for Windows7 or higher.

