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Re: Scott's tips.

Mon, Mar 10 2025 9:51 AM (770 replies)
  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,793 Posts
    Wed, Jun 14 2017 2:21 AM

    Hi Scott,

    First of all, thanks for sharing cool useful tips with us as usual.

    Today I tried your tip on CC join date and unfortunately the result has been unsuccessful for me. I followed exactly your instruction, copied & pasted the text in blue as it is, but I keep on getting an error message "'}' is required". (Please refer to the image below.)

    I'm using IE... Could this be the cause?

    Please help me out, Scott. I'm clueless.


  • ScottHope
    10,703 Posts
    Wed, Jun 14 2017 2:35 AM

    Thanks Simon.

    It could be IE, but I have just corrected a small error in that Javascript, so you could try it again to see if it works now.

    The reason the error occured was because I put a comment in the script to remind me what the second part does, but I didn't denote the end of the comment. So the browser Javascript compiler thought that the second half of the script was all comment, which is why it failed to work, silly me. : )

    Might be a good idea to use a different browser for this stuff if you can. IE tends to drag its feet with regards to browser development and for some reason it turns my PC into a complete and utter slug, rendering it virtually useless, so it's very difficult for me to help anyone who uses it. : (

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,793 Posts
    Wed, Jun 14 2017 10:44 AM


    Now it works!! HAHA I even modified it a bit to fit it into Korean calendar format.

    Thanks once again, Scott. You're the man!! ;^)


  • ScottHope
    10,703 Posts
    Wed, Jun 14 2017 10:57 AM

    Modified it!  I'm pleasantly surprised to hear that someone is using it, lol.  Kudos to you Simon.  I'll know who to call when I need some assistance.
    ; )

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,793 Posts
    Wed, Jun 14 2017 11:16 AM

    LOL It was a simple modification, not a rocket science. BTW  I find all of your tips very fascinating. Are you a programmer or working in an IT related field, Scott?

  • ScottHope
    10,703 Posts
    Wed, Jun 14 2017 2:05 PM

    I'm glad they generate some interest, thank you, but I'm not sure how many have the courage to try out my scraps of script like you Simon.

    I'm not currently working and have never been employed in anything IT related, unless you consider manufacturing dataloggers as working in IT, which I don't as I was not involved in the software in any way, just the hardware assembly.

    What I currently know is all self taught, brought on by my curiosity of the HTML button above this message editor box. So I blame WGT entirely, lol.  : )

    ⇩ EDIT : Yes, a horrific tragedy at Grenfell Tower. Prayers for everyone involved. ⇩

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,793 Posts
    Wed, Jun 14 2017 4:54 PM

    What I currently know is all self taught, brought on by my curiosity of the HTML button above this message editor box. So I blame WGT entirely, lol

    Awesome! I'm afraid that I'm following your path on it, man.

    BTW I just watched the morning news regarding Grenfell Tower fire on TV. I pray for the souls of the deceased.

  • ScottHope
    10,703 Posts
    Wed, Jul 5 2017 9:16 AM
    AdBlock's Custom Filter
  • Als6437
    428 Posts
    Fri, Jul 21 2017 7:06 PM

    Thanks for all the helpful information Scott!


  • ScottHope
    10,703 Posts
    Sat, Jul 22 2017 1:00 AM

    Thank you for popping in Al.  : )