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Re: Scott's tips.

Mon, Mar 10 2025 9:51 AM (770 replies)
  • ScottHope
    10,703 Posts
    Thu, Aug 17 2017 1:19 AM

    Every time I see what Scott does, I wish he could do the same for the mobile app. Another awesome job!
    Thanks Simon. I'm so used to a desktop PC that when my brother hands me his tablet for whatever reason, I'm completely useless with it, lol. (I don't have a mobile device of my own).  : )

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,592 Posts
    Tue, Sep 5 2017 5:49 PM

    [‍color=red] I want this text red [/color] 

  • ScottHope
    10,703 Posts
    Wed, Sep 6 2017 1:07 AM

    There is a reason why that didn't work for you John, and that is because you copied it from my post.

    In order to get the code to show up in my post, and by that I mean the square brackets and enclosed text which you wouldn't normally see, I had to put an invisible space character in there to prevent the BB code from working, and as you copied it, you copied that space as well.

    If you try it again, but this time actually type in the text instead of copying it, it should work for you. : )

    P.S. BB Code doesn't work on our profiles.

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,592 Posts
    Thu, Sep 14 2017 6:38 AM

    ] want this text purple

    Fck me, - thanks Scott

  • ScottHope
    10,703 Posts
    Thu, Sep 14 2017 6:50 AM

    F** me, - thanks Scott

    Thanks for the offer, but that's someone elses job, lol.   : )

    Nice one bud.
  • BGB666
    3,122 Posts
    Fri, Sep 29 2017 12:12 PM
    Hi Scott, I'm trying to figure out how to use the BB code of which you talk about. not making any headway of how to get to where i can use your info for pics, i have the text part down. Please advise. Brian
  • ScottHope
    10,703 Posts
    Sat, Sep 30 2017 1:07 AM

    Windows 7 Logon Screen

    I can't say I was bored with my Windows logon screen, but when I found out I could change it, I did.

    New picture for logon background.
    Software for reducing picture file size to 250KB or lower.

    INSTRUCTIONS (For Windows 7 Pro 32bit) :

    1.) In the search box above the taskbar start button, type gpedit.msc then hit enter.

    2.) In the Local Group Policy Editor left panel, navigate to Computer Configuration / Administrative Templates / System / Logon

    3.) Click on the Logon folder in the left panel, then in the main panel double click Always use custom logon background.

    4.) In the Always use custom logon background dialogue box, click the Enabled radio button, then click OK.

    5.) Close the Local Group Policy Editor window.

    6.) Open Windows explorer and navigate to... C: / Windows / System32 / oobe.

    7.) Double click the oobe folder to open it and create a new folder and name it info.

    8.) Double click the info folder to open it and create a new folder and name it backgrounds.

    9.) When you have selected your new logon picture and reduced its file size to 250KB or less, place it inside your newly created backgrounds folder and rename the picture backgroundDefault the name is case sensitive.

    10.) Your new logon background should now be active. To test it, press the Windows & L keys to lock your computer.

    11.) The end.

  • UFCJohny
    713 Posts
    Mon, Jan 22 2018 6:30 PM

    can  Arnie's Army CC    Be  a  team name ??  against Jack's Hippie Putter's  like Dustin is..... (:--} 

  • ScottHope
    10,703 Posts
    Tue, Jan 23 2018 4:04 AM

    Browser Email Links

    If you click on the link below does it open a new email message?


    If it doesn't open a new message it may be because of a setting in the default programs on your PC.

    It works in the same way as setting the default program that opens when you double click on say, a picture file. You may have several programs on your PC that can open a picture file, so you can change the one that opens by default.

    If you want to change what program runs when you click on an email link, then do the following....

    Control Panel > Programs > Default Programs > Associate a file type or protocol with a program > Scroll to the bottom of the list to where the protocols are, and in the left column click on MAILTO > if the current default program (3rd column) is not your email program, then click the Change Program button at the top right of the window and select your email program from the open with dialogue box.

    Knowing what computers are like this won't solve it for everyone, but we might hit a few nails on the head. : )

    If you use a web browser for your emails and my link at the top of the page doesn't work, for FireFox, in FF options, if you scroll down to applications, you will find you can change the program that FF uses to open mailto links.

    Click thumbnail for larger image

    It looks like if you use a program installed on your PC for your emails, you need to set that as the default program, using the instructions above, for handling the mailto protocol. But if you use online email, then you will probably have to look at the settings in your browser for the mailto handler.

    Directions for configuring the mailto handler in Commodo Ice Dragon can be found HERE.

  • ScottHope
    10,703 Posts
    Sat, Feb 17 2018 8:05 AM
    YouTube Playlists
    If any of you have created a playlist on YouTube for your favourite videos, you'll know how annoying it can be when one of those videos gets removed, or is made private, and therefore is no longer available to view, but it remains in your playlist with a generic thumbnail and no information about what the video was.
    My own playlist is music, and therefore if any video becomes unavailable for whatever reason, there'll usually be another one on YouTube somewhere that I can use as a replacement. But how can I look for that replacement if I can't remember what the video was now that there is no info about it in my playlist!

    I guess I could keep a list of the videos and check them all to find out which one has gone awol, but I can't be bothered, lol.

    My tip is this :

    1.) On your YouTube channel, in the left pane under LIBRARY, click on your playlist.

    2.) In the second pane on your playlist page, click the 3 dots to get to the playlist settings menu and click the PLAYLIST SETTINGS option.

    2a.) On the PLAYLIST SETTINGS dialogue click ADVANCED SETTINGS.

    2b.) On the next PLAYLIST SETTINGS dialogue click CANCEL.

    3.) On the edit page, when you hover over any of your videos, a MORE dropdown button will appear on the right hand side.

    4.) Click on the MORE button and select ADD / EDIT NOTES from the menu.

    5.) In the ADD NOTES dialogue box that opens, I just select the video title that is above the text box and drag it into the text box, then click save.

    6.) Do this each time you add a new video to your playlist and you will have a record of what each video was should it become unavailable for any reason.