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Re: Ranked or Unranked

rated by 0 users
Wed, Jul 4 2018 9:34 PM (2 replies)
  • slimjym
    141 Posts
    Wed, Jul 4 2018 5:41 AM

    After using the search box & reading almost an hour of threads, I'm more confused than ever, due to dozens of conflicting comments & answers regarding ranked/unranked rounds. Can someone give me a definitive, legitimate answer as to what rounds are considered ranked rounds? I understand par 3's par 5's, & practice rounds are NOT RANKED, but I read contrasting answers regarding match play. Please specify every type of game (round) when played that that is considered ranked, & those considered unranked. 

  • TopShelf2010
    10,976 Posts
    Wed, Jul 4 2018 6:10 AM


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Wed, Jul 4 2018 9:34 PM

    "Ranked" only applies to strokeplay, solo or multiplayer. "Unranked" strokeplay is labelled "Practice". Any other type of game may be rated (Matchplay!) or not but will never be ranked. Any special mobile game (H2H, "rooms") is "Practice".

    Tournament rounds are ranked, too, and one defining indicator is "Any strokeplay round shown in the Score History is ranked." These rounds are counted by the "Total Ranked Rounds Played" in the personal Stats and count towards the bulk of awards and stats.

    That said, some ranked rounds count towards the average, and some don't.

    Rounds on Par3 + Par5 + CC Custom Courses may be ranked but do not count to the average.

    Ranked rounds on genuine and Par4 courses do count to the average.