smittji:I have found where I can put myself unavailable/available in the settings. Is there a way to see actual friend status like in the old flash game ?
It looks like you have found the Online / Offline toggle in the Options area of the Launcher (PCEA) version. If you have it set to Online you will be "Green" and if you have it set to Offline you will essentially be "Red" as it will be greyed out and not green.
You can access this option from the main screen (little gear icon in lower RH corner) but you can also access it anytime you are in the middle of a round or match by clicking on the top LH menu in game where there is a settings option.
In order to see your friends ACTUAL status, they would need to be changing their own options toggle from Offline to Online and vise versa, otherwise their status will always show as Green(available) or Greyed out(unavailable)
Unfortunately as of right now it is only a manual option so there will be times when your friends are online so it will show as Green but they are actually in the middle of a round or match already. Maybe WGT could look into changing this to some type of auto option that if you have your status as Green it switches temporarily to Grey anytime you are in the middle of a round.