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Re: Once upon a time...

Fri, Jul 3 2020 8:08 PM (35 replies)
  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,771 Posts
    Mon, Jun 29 2020 1:03 PM

    That would be the best scenario, however they decided otherwise. I don't want to comment their decision. It's their game and they can do whatever they like with it. My only question is why destroying a perfect layout which wasn't built in a night but after many many years of testing using players experiences. Why they should do that? For ''simplicity'' ?

    AFAIK, most of mobile games are programmed, designed and released using Unity platform. So was/is WGT mobile. The original WGT, as we all know, is a Flash-based game. They simply couldn't transplant the same layouts from Flash to Unity since the two are completely different platforms so unfortunately they had no choice but create a new one which happened to be a "monster" in the eyes of many PC players. WGT, a conservative (lazy) group as they are, would have transplanted the whole thing from old to new if they could. I'm sure of it. The result now is they're basically offering us two different games sharing the same basic physics engine. :-/

  • Yiannis1970
    3,351 Posts
    Mon, Jun 29 2020 1:14 PM

    I don't have the technical knowledge to debate what you are sustaining Simon. Time will tell if Unity is such an inadequate platform to cover basic needs of a game in year 2020.

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,771 Posts
    Mon, Jun 29 2020 2:29 PM

    I'm no tech savvy either, Yiannis. I just wrote what I know.

    Unity as a platform has nothing wrong in it. My guess is that the original developers who created the very first WGT back in 2006 are all gone, and now the new guys in the house just aren't competent enough to recreate it over the mobile platform. I'm really sorry to say this WGT but you guys make it even worse, adding more bugs and glitches after every single update.

    To be honest, I think WGT cares about their game quality no longer. As a simple and straightforward example, have you noticed the poor quality of graphics nowadays? Take a look!

    At first, they cared about even little details well enough to make the ball on tee look pretty realistic but now? They simply copy and paste the image of ball behind the tee. Sorry once again WGT, even I can do a better job than that! IMO this proves the company doesn't care any more... which is very sad.

    Making money is important, going into the black is important, marketing is important. But remember! You guys are a gaming company. The quality of game matters the utmost! Go back to basics, the rest will follow!

  • Yiannis1970
    3,351 Posts
    Mon, Jun 29 2020 2:59 PM

    One image = 1000 words.

  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Tue, Jun 30 2020 4:14 AM

    Simon, I have no idea why they dont fix that. That to me is just sloppy work. Very unprofessional  

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Tue, Jun 30 2020 5:34 AM


    One image = 1000 words.
