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Re: Goals & Achievements - Live on Desktop/Steam

Fri, Mar 31 2023 9:13 PM (258 replies)
  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,771 Posts
    Thu, Jul 28 2022 4:24 PM

    What makes you pretty sure I "got everything I deserve."?

    Because that's what I've got and I believe WGT?

    ↓↓↓ And I was right since it's now confirmed by Nico. ↓↓↓

    I looked into your account and I see all of them have been properly added and paid out


    with this kind of matters.


    At least, unlike you, I don't have this problem. PMSL 😂😂😂

    Seriously though... WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?! You need to switch to decaf 'cause you're being not only an old fart who is slow on the uptake but also a real a$$, oh sorry... ar$e right now.

  • WGTNico
    738 Posts
    Thu, Jul 28 2022 4:28 PM

    Basically the best way to explain is that:

    With goals, there are weekly and daily goals which you can always see what they are via the timer that's attached to them, complete those to get a higher tier to earn better rewards (plus and premier members do get more rewards)

    Achievements are lifetime rewards that can earn your prizes by doing things by just playing the game a lot, you can take a look and explore the achievements tabs to see if you want to try and complete them, or you can just play the game normally and you'll eventually complete some over time.

    This is also still an early version of G&A and we're already looking into ways to improve it as time goes on. 

    I admittedly don't remember if an achievement is still supposed to count if someone withdraws or not 


    Wow! A whole lot to absorb and get used to. Is there a simple guide to what it all means and what are we ultimately trying to achieve? 

    I played a few coin games this morning and I noticed achievements updating after each match. In one match I knocked a 3W to within a couple feet, an easy eagle, but my opponent withdrew. I assume his actions reflected on me not getting credit for said eagle? 

    If so, perhaps an option for the non-withdrawing player to finish the hole/match?



  • Nancy1959
    7,420 Posts
    Thu, Jul 28 2022 6:04 PM

    I have one question.  I thought all of our prior achievements were supposed to carry over when this new "Goals and Achievements" were instituted, and we would automatically get all of our awards for them.  That is not the case in so many categories when I look at the "Achievements" link.

    For example, it has me at level 1 for the category, "Round and Round" (which is the award for ranked rounds played), getting no rewards yet.  I have almost 78,000 ranked rounds and it only took 3,000 ranked rounds to reach the Diamond level.  This is just one example out of many.

    Can you clarify about this, Nico?  It seems like I am starting from scratch in so many categories.



    839 Posts
    Fri, Jul 29 2022 3:27 AM

    I am exactly the same Nancy......looking at  the new goals & achievements I have done nothing in 9 years on WGT.

    Hopefully this is just a glitch & it will soon show our true achievements (but don't hold your breath lol)



    I have spoken with some friends & they have received thousands of credits for their achievements/goals......I have received 60cr at last count.

    I always joked that WGT hated me....maybe it's true lol

  • papadeaux
    871 Posts
    Fri, Jul 29 2022 3:43 AM


    I am exactly the same Nancy......looking at  the new goals & achievements I have done nothing in 9 years on WGT.

    Hopefully this is just a glitch & it will soon show our true achievements (but don't hold your breath lol)



    I have spoken with some friends & they have received thousands of credits for their achievements/goals......I have received 60cr at last count.

    I always joked that WGT hated me....maybe it's true lol

    Yes Poppy seems ive just been a dead beat on this game as well :(


    839 Posts
    Fri, Jul 29 2022 4:05 AM

    A dead beat only on this game Joe, not to your friends lol



  • borntobesting
    9,788 Posts
    Fri, Jul 29 2022 4:15 AM

    Nico says they are live on all platforms. If that is true where are they located on mobile? I play on my PC mostly and they are there. I also play on my Iphone at work during lunch and I don't see them on my phone anywhere. On the PC they are located in the Daily bonus section. They are between Inbox and daily bonus. They are not there on my Iphone. 

  • ScottHope
    10,685 Posts
    Fri, Jul 29 2022 4:51 AM

    Perhaps you need updating Joe.  ; )


  • garyk49
    2,333 Posts
    Fri, Jul 29 2022 5:08 AM

    On pc, you have no choice on the update.  Mine did not update until this morning.  Maybe it is just me, but has anyone else noticed green breaks screwy and club distance off, since this update?  I know I am not that bad, all of a sudden.