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game's rigged when you click excellent now

Tue, May 22 2012 12:30 PM (31 replies)
  • MulliganWilly
    138 Posts
    Sun, May 20 2012 5:57 PM

    anybody else notice anything rigged when you click the excellent middle, oh since the past half year or so. Seems to ignore zoom view triangle wind movement compensation and goes as if it was on the flag. ok you idiots at wgt you can put the game back how it was before you tried to curb low scores with your rigging it too much now. i just posted an 83 go f* yourself with your over-rigged game.

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Mon, May 21 2012 3:13 AM

    Seems to ignore zoom view triangle wind movement compensation and goes as if it was on the flag.

    Yes have seen this happen on many occasions, it ignores your aim marker and shot gets taken as if you have aimed at flag and not say 10 yards right!  (have replays showing this)

    And the biggest RIGGED part lately is the wind not effecting shots.

  • mmikkeelee
    591 Posts
    Mon, May 21 2012 8:52 AM

    i am off for a break i think from this game, day after day there is more complaints about the game, and i have to say i dont trust my shots anymore, whats the point in working out the math anymore, yards to hole and wind.. just need a break i think come back refreshed :)

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Mon, May 21 2012 9:27 AM

    I think the reason I don't get too frustrated is that I don't play to "calculations".

    I just "take a little off" the club or add some TS to get a bit more here and there.

    If I'm 20 feet long or short I just say to myself "guess I took to much off, or added too much to the shot"

    I guess that keeps my sanity intact, never knowing that "92.3% power of this club into this wind should yield 163 yards" when it goes 173 or 153.

    1,011 Posts
    Mon, May 21 2012 10:14 AM


    I think the reason I don't get too frustrated is that I don't play to "calculations".

    I just "take a little off" the club or add some TS to get a bit more here and there.

    If I'm 20 feet long or short I just say to myself "guess I took to much off, or added too much to the shot"

    I guess that keeps my sanity intact, never knowing that "92.3% power of this club into this wind should yield 163 yards" when it goes 173 or 153.

    Thats an excellent observation Mike.  The ones who use calculations/spreedsheets will notice it first because of defined expected result.  Playing alt and goofing around with friends I never notice or care. Its just when playing solo tourneys  that trying to hit nail on head where the frustration sets in for me on those wtf shots.   I grinded the blair tourney for 2 weekends and played hole 2 231 yrd par 3 over 200 times Im sure.  So many times I'd  hit shot like wanted to only to see ball leave the clubface in completely different angle than I was expecting.    Call it VEM, Random Deviations, Conspiracy, or whatever , it does happen more these days than ever before.  When Olympic opened up was when it really got noticeable to me an increase in "Wtf" shots.


    Its entirely possible this was done without any malice from WGT. Just the programmers goofed  up a bit of the code so that wind doesnt always act as it should or greens that are 10ft 3 down are really only 10ft 1 down.  We've all seen the numerous unexpected bugs in games. Programmers aren't infallible and could be just honest mistakes in coding.


    Meh, nothing better to do so   Im screwing around again with different clubs and ball combinations to see if specific to r11s and nikes or is it spread across the spectrum.

  • pjctas0822
    4,615 Posts
    Mon, May 21 2012 10:53 AM

    I haven't been here long enough to notice anything wrong :)

    But I do love the ball over the cup miss putts or the ring outs as if it were a basketball rimming out of a hoop. Some may call it lip outs :)

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Mon, May 21 2012 10:55 AM

    When Olympic opened up was when it really got noticeable to me an increase in "Wtf" shots.

    Speaking of Oly, I never really noticed any odd iron or tee shots but many times have come up 2 feet short on 6-8 foot putts that I was sure were 2 or 3 inches down hill but played as if they were 2-3 inches up yes I think there are few "programming errors" on that course.

    But my own opinion, FWIW is some rounds just play harder meaning that the "ding is really king" and slight misses are just not forgiving...I think it's the whole course in general plays harder for everyone (say in a RG), I base this on times when I struggle to shoot a 32 in a low wind F9 SA tourney and make credits, where as sometimes the course is playing easy, I shoot a 30 and break even.

  • pjctas0822
    4,615 Posts
    Mon, May 21 2012 1:26 PM

    I wish I could say I have. I probably hit that damn ding half the time :( . I am so new I dont know any better I guess. Is that good or bad ?