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Limited Credit Videos

Sun, Jul 9 2023 7:30 PM (416 replies)
  • WGTChampion
    1,917 Posts
    Wed, Nov 20 2019 1:59 PM

    Hi everyone,

    As many of you have already noticed, we have limited the use of our free credit videos.

    The app is supposed to be notifying players when a player has reached the limit, but for some reason this messaging is not showing. We are working to resolve the notification issue as quickly as possible.

    While we have been happy to leave video ads uncapped for years, over the last several months the abuse of this feature has forced us to make a change.

    There are individuals and clubs distributing tools on how to automate watching free credits. They're using multiple devices and programs to receive thousands of credits per day. The exploitation of this feature was not limited to a small number of users or clubs. In some cases, players had doubled their entire account lifespan in video-minutes watched.

    When making this change, we wanted to make sure there would still be a fair number of ads for players to watch for free credits while also following the recommendations of our ad partners. This change still allows players to watch many more videos than what was recommended.

    I'm sorry that I wasn't available to address this sooner and I sincerely apologize to everyone upset by this change. 

    Thank you for your understanding and support. 



  • DoctorLarry
    4,323 Posts
    Wed, Nov 20 2019 2:17 PM

    Thanks for the explanation, Champion!

  • Sparfel2956
    98 Posts
    Wed, Nov 20 2019 2:52 PM

    Thanks a lot for the explication. 

    Sparfel 2956

  • Cicero733
    2,319 Posts
    Wed, Nov 20 2019 2:56 PM

    Thanks for explaining. Can you advise us as to what the limit will be? Like so many credits per day, per week, per hour, whatever..


  • ZirjoGondar
    94 Posts
    Wed, Nov 20 2019 2:58 PM

    Thanks for filling us in, Champion.

    Has anybody figured out the limits?  The ads stopped yielding credits for me this morning after 150 cr.  Some time later, I was able to grind out another 150 cr before it stopped again.  So the credit system does unlock again after some time passes.

    I'll keep trying periodically today to see if I can determine how much "dark time" has to pass between credit runs, and whether there's a daily limit.

    Really bummed that scammers have to ruin everything for everybody else.  I've been cranking out 1000-1200 credits a day recently the old fashioned way.  (Saving up for future club purchases at L97 & L98.)  So far today, I'm 300-400 cr behind schedule.  I am NOT a happy camper.

  • TopShelf2010
    10,976 Posts
    Wed, Nov 20 2019 2:59 PM




    Hi everyone,

    As many of you have already noticed, we have limited the use of our free credit videos.

    The app is supposed to be notifying players when a player has reached the limit, but for some reason this messaging is not showing. We are working to resolve the notification issue as quickly as possible.

    While we have been happy to leave video ads uncapped for years, over the last several months the abuse of this feature has forced us to make a change.

    There are individuals and clubs distributing tools on how to automate watching free credits. They're using multiple devices and programs to receive thousands of credits per day. The exploitation of this feature was not limited to a small number of users or clubs. In some cases, players had doubled their entire account lifespan in video-minutes watched.

    When making this change, we wanted to make sure there would still be a fair number of ads for players to watch for free credits while also following the recommendations of our ad partners. This change still allows players to watch many more videos than what was recommended.

    I'm sorry that I wasn't available to address this sooner and I sincerely apologize to everyone upset by this change. 

    Thank you for your understanding and support. 





    Thanks Champ.

    Not to be the pessimistic one, but I wonder how this will affect the upcoming 12 Days of Christmas?



  • callaghan159
    6,453 Posts
    Wed, Nov 20 2019 3:22 PM

    Not to be the pessimistic one, but I wonder how this will affect the upcoming 12 Days of Christmas?

    Can't imagine I will be there as well as the GOGF. 

  • Connorjwebb123
    469 Posts
    Wed, Nov 20 2019 3:24 PM
    Thanks for clearing this up. I wasn’t aware that there was a limit.
  • Mafooney
    31 Posts
    Wed, Nov 20 2019 3:28 PM

    Im sorry to inform them..but I think this is really going to hurt their buisnnes....badly. Nobodies gonna pay 12,25 for a sleeve and if they do they wont for long...just my perspective


    1,288 Posts
    Wed, Nov 20 2019 3:29 PM





    Hi everyone,

    As many of you have already noticed, we have limited the use of our free credit videos.

    The app is supposed to be notifying players when a player has reached the limit, but for some reason this messaging is not showing. We are working to resolve the notification issue as quickly as possible.

    While we have been happy to leave video ads uncapped for years, over the last several months the abuse of this feature has forced us to make a change.

    There are individuals and clubs distributing tools on how to automate watching free credits. They're using multiple devices and programs to receive thousands of credits per day. The exploitation of this feature was not limited to a small number of users or clubs. In some cases, players had doubled their entire account lifespan in video-minutes watched.

    When making this change, we wanted to make sure there would still be a fair number of ads for players to watch for free credits while also following the recommendations of our ad partners. This change still allows players to watch many more videos than what was recommended.

    I'm sorry that I wasn't available to address this sooner and I sincerely apologize to everyone upset by this change. 

    Thank you for your understanding and support. 





    Thanks Champ.

    Not to be the pessimistic one, but I wonder how this will affect the upcoming 12 Days of Christmas?



    Massively I would have thought Don.

    Not that our club is bothered by them anymore but I'm assuming it will affect Clash and Turf Wars too as people won't buy passes to play them.

    I understand that WGT is a business but it looks like they're trying to force people to spend their real cash to play. 150 credits per day isn't going to buy a decent sleeve of balls, let alone passes and new clubs for some.

    It will also affect people funding prizes for club tournaments too. I personally think people will start to leave the game in their droves if this is the case permanently. 
