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WGT Desktop Early Access for Mac

Sat, Nov 25 2023 10:05 AM (290 replies)
  • WGTChampion
    1,917 Posts
    Thu, Nov 21 2019 2:16 PM

    It's finally HERE! Download WGT in Early Access for Mac! 

    This release is the most current so all features are the same as the Windows version. 

    Be sure to let me know any feedback you have and any issues you encounter. 

    Please keep all feedback and issues in the WGT Desktop Early Access Forum. 



  • birchi
    1,492 Posts
    Thu, Nov 21 2019 3:16 PM

    Thanks for your efforts to make the game available to Mac users!

    I struggle to come up with something positive to say after giving this version a try. Maybe it's that the people who won't be able to pay for balls anymore don't have to be too upset if this is the future of WGT. 

    Hope the end result will differ dramatically from this early version.

    P.S. Like so many others I'd be happy to help out with constructive criticism. Is there any chance we can get a definitive answer on whether or not the UEL format will be transferred to the new version? It doesn't make any sense for me to play this version if that's not the case because I would not continue playing WGT after Flash disappears.

  • Batfeet
    37 Posts
    Fri, Nov 22 2019 6:11 PM


    I'm getting this for some reason.

  • Batfeet
    37 Posts
    Fri, Nov 22 2019 6:12 PM

  • rorys1fan
    54 Posts
    Sat, Nov 23 2019 1:19 AM

    Thanks WGTChamp. I've been waiting for the mac version for some time. I've been mostly a mobile player, although I started with flash.

    It's a good start, but it is very hard to play. There are many things that will hopefully improve, but if you're looking for some feedback, here are a couple.


    1. One of the biggest "glitch" that I see is that the slider lags the mouse. To get a full swing, I have to get to the top of my workspace, lift the mouse and bring it back, and then slide it again to the top of my workspace. 

    2. On mobile, I can control my backspin with the arrows, to get a predictable backspin. one tap, two taps, etc. In this version, there is only a slider, so it's not easy to see how much backspin I'm using

    3. The ball looks almost ridiculous. Like a box flying in the air, or rolling on the ground. Maybe it's the full screen effect, but it's not appealing at all


    On the other hand, even with a very "jerky" meter progress, I do find hitting close to the sweet spot a bit easier

  • Tigerpaw509
    1,285 Posts
    Sat, Nov 23 2019 3:51 AM

    I am a Mac user and the flash version has been great as has the meter.I did install BootCamp on my Mac to run Windows 10 desktop and the game doesnt look any better.I know we are dealing with Beta version so keep up the good work Wgt.

    Will be trying the Mac version a little latter and will come back and post.


    Update.Let me first say I have a 2017 Imac 27" with Retina display 5120x2880.

    Installing the Mac version was very smooth.I set video to widescreen with the highest resolution and it looks blurry.I changed to 4x3 screen with 1024x768 and looks better but I was expecting much better graphics.My player looks to much like a cartoon character aka Frankenstein.

    Meter is very smooth and putting is different but thats just a learning curve.

    Again this is Beta .......I hope

  • Findlay65
    733 Posts
    Sat, Nov 23 2019 9:12 AM

    I've been playing on my Mac for five years, I didn't know there was a problem.

    should I download the new WGT and take a chance I'll loose my CDP, Credits, profile, etc?



  • Tigerpaw509
    1,285 Posts
    Sat, Nov 23 2019 9:49 AM

    No problem on mine or the Mac mini I played  previously for 5 years.What we are talking about is the Wgt flash version (what you are playing now) the will be turned off sometime in 2020.

    For your questions I can't answer.

  • DavStan
    255 Posts
    Sat, Nov 23 2019 10:32 AM

    you won't lose anything, your clubs, balls, CDP's, will all carry over to the new version. If you have avatars that you have purchased, they will not! You will start all new apparel for your player. You can still play your regular version and play the new version if you choose.

  • Sieglander
    33 Posts
    Mon, Nov 25 2019 8:48 PM

    Hello, I have installed the Mac version without any problem, but can't play because of a permanent "internet connection error".
    Too bad...